Chapter 237

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Chapter 237 (two more)

    The towns to the south are very rich.

    Even though the north has been in a mess because of the war, there is no scene of chaos here, but it is very peaceful.

    Lin Qi came to this small town just before winter.

    A group of ten of them walked on the road for more than two months, except that they walked out of the village at the beginning and then found the carriage, walked on the carriage for more than a month, and then took the boat.

    It took more than two months for them to settle down.

    First, they sold the fur of the wild beasts they hunted on the road, and then rented a small three-yard yard in the west alley.

    I've just cleaned up now, and I can finally sit in the yard and rest for a while.

    The winter in the south is not too cold, and the breeze blowing is only a little cool.

    But the children can't stand the cold. On the way down to the south this time, several children have contracted typhoid fever one after another. Fortunately, there is a magic doctor Babo on the way, plus some spiritual herbs in his space, the children are not too guilty , typhoid fever is cured.

    Although they were delayed on the road for so long, they also learned a lot while staying in the carriage.

    Lin Yi has regained his original self-confidence at this moment, and he said with some excitement: "I'm going to set up a stall on the street."

    "Fortune-telling stall?" Lin Qi said with a smile: "Fortune-tellers are all old people, the more The better the old business is, why are you a young man?"

    Lin Yi raised his eyebrows: "I can pretend to be an old man."

    Think about it, if he is old-fashioned and not old, will it be more attractive?

    Suddenly there is some expectation. With the ability in hand, he can live the life like before, someone holding a baby and delivering it to the door.

    Lin Qi nodded, "Okay, then I'll wait for you to support the family."

    Lin Yi's face became more smiling, he sat down, "Don't worry, it's okay."

    "Then since you want to support the family, let's talk about the current situation of the family." Lin Qi sat up straight, and he said, "Aside from our one-year rent, now we have 13 taels of silver, and I have already moved here. I have inquired about it, and there is a book school in the alley next to it, and one person’s repair costs about three taels of silver plus about half a tael of apprenticeship ceremony. There are one, two, three or four children in our family who have to go to the school, and that’s fourteen taels of silver.”

    Lin Yi blinked, a little confused, "Isn't that not enough?"

    "Let's not talk about whether it is enough or not, let's move on." Lin Qi didn't settle the account with him, and continued: "If there are three girls, women are not talented enough. I won’t say bullshit like Shide, but there are no schools in town that women can go to, which means that we have to invite a female master to teach at home, about a dozen or so a month.”

    “…” Lin Yi swallowed . Saliva, that is, Lin Qihuan has not finished counting the twenty-four taels, and he continued: "No hurry, no hurry, let's continue to say, it is winter, should we buy some winter clothes? How can one person have two clothes? Let’s add the thick bedding. If you think about it roughly, two taels of silver should be enough to cover housing and clothing. Let’s talk about food. There are ten people in the family, even if most of them are children, they eat a lot. It's because the child pays attention to nutrition..."

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