Chapter 254

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Chapter 254

    Lin Xia, who was in the kitchen, was a little nervous at first when she heard it.

    I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up in a daze at five or six in the morning. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally called the leader and asked for a day off.

    The leaders were very surprised when they received the call, saying that Lin Xia had never asked for leave since she joined the company.

    After taking leave, Lin Xia didn't go back to Dad's house right away.

    Instead, stay home alone.

    I wasn't busy, I just turned around, feeling a little restless in my heart.

    She kept going like this, from seven or eight in the morning until it was close to noon before she went out.

    When he got to Dad's house, he dawdled downstairs and stood there for a while.

    Although she said she would come, at that time she said at five o'clock in the afternoon, but she came so early, would it make them feel too anxious?

    Is it too early, so Dad and Grandma are not very welcome?

    I thought a lot.

    Later, when the old lady was drying clothes on the windowsill, she happened to see the person downstairs and shouted loudly for her to go upstairs.

    Full of anxiety, she went upstairs.

    Instead, thinking about what to say.

    It turned out that in addition to the grandmother, there were only two children at home.

    Only then did my grandma tell me that my father and Lin Xi went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

    Thinking that they won't be back in a while, sitting and sitting uneasy.

    Just go to the kitchen and find something to do.

    As soon as I entered the kitchen, I saw a lot of things piled up in the kitchen.

    Among them is the taro brought from the countryside, as my grandmother said.

    Some of them were packed in plastic bags, saying that she was asked to take them home after eating.

    She opened it for a special look, and found that there were some other things in it besides the taro, and it was full.

    At this time, she thought a lot.

    I remembered that when I was in the office before, some colleagues were complaining.

    He complained that every time he returned to his parents' house, he would stuff him with a lot of stuff.

    There are vegetables and fruits, and there are also chickens and ducks raised by themselves.

    Anyway, it's just a bunch of them, so it's hard for them to take them back.

    I can't finish it. If there is any leftover, I will bring it to the company to share with some colleagues.

    She also shared with friends.

    But not something taken from home.

    Instead, I bought some sweets and some pastries and distributed them to my colleagues.

    It's a reward.

    At that time, she was actually quite envious.     But that kind of heart can't be exchanged for money.     Sometimes Lin Xia feels that she thinks too much.     It is because I always think about some messy things that my mind is heavy.     Even, it has become an obsession in my heart.     Looking at those things, she couldn't help but feel warm and wanted to laugh at herself.     It's too easy to satisfy.     Just because I was remembered a little bit, I can't wait to give everything.     When she heard someone entering the door, she became nervous again.     Watching Lin Xi walk in, listening to Lin Xi shouting loudly.     At this moment, her heart was almost in her throat.     It didn't take long.     Lin Xia saw the person she was looking forward to and feared to see.

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