Chapter 258

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Chapter 258

    Zou Yu arrived at the classroom just before the bell rang.

    As soon as he entered, he felt something was wrong. There was a familiar smell in the classroom, the greasy smell of steamed buns.

    His moving feet suddenly paused, and he held his head up and twitched his nose.

    Since entering this school, countless people have laughed at him because of the smell on his body.

    It's absolutely impossible to say that he really doesn't mind, it's just that he doesn't mind.

    If you can.

    He also wanted to show up at school clean and refreshed.

    But unfortunately, the money in his pocket cannot support him to do so.

    'Pollution' the air of his classmates, he didn't want to but couldn't do anything about it.

    You can only try to stay away from the crowd, or go outside for two more laps when you enter the classroom, so as to reduce the smell on your body as much as possible.

    Zou Yu couldn't help thinking.

    Is it not enough to wander around today, so the taste is so strong?

    But looking at it, it's time for morning self-study.

    He couldn't continue to walk around, he could only continue to walk towards the classroom.

    He took a deep breath, then walked into the classroom, his face was very calm, as if he didn't care about anything.

    As a result, I only took a few steps.

    Zou Yu felt that the meat in the room was getting stronger and stronger.

    After he looked around, his eyes finally landed on his desk, four buns and a cup of soy milk.

    "This is the 'warmth' that Boss Qiu gave us." The boy with glasses said, "Remember to eat it, but don't waste the kindness of Boss Qiu."


    The boy with glasses is not going to talk to Zou Yu.

    He didn't have any opinion on Zou Yu, but it was obvious that Zou Yu had offended Rao Yuan's group of people. Even if he was not afraid of Rao Yuan, he was too lazy to offend them for someone who was not embarrassed.

    So the best way is to ignore Zou Yu.

    However, he has a lot of information.

    According to reliable sources, Zou Yu went to the roadside to eat skewers with the four heavenly kings of their school yesterday.

    What a rare thing this is!

    If it was said that they had nothing to do with each other, he would definitely not believe it.

    And it wasn't Zou Yushang rushing to cling to Boss Qiu.

    On the contrary, Boss Qiu and the four stalked Zou Yu so much.

    He didn't find the reason, but he was good to Zou Yu.

    So there is just a reminder.

    Besides, it is also the intuition of some men. Boss Qiu suddenly sent them warmth, and he always felt that there should be a reason for Zou Yu.

    The man with glasses asked curiously, "Do you really like to eat buns?"

    Zou Yu is not the kind of person who is cold, someone ignores him, but he doesn't care, so he asked back, "Is there anyone who doesn't like meat buns? "

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