Chapter 215

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Chapter 215 (two more)

    is really ugly.

    Old Lou can also be called only an uncle, not to mention that they have a good relationship, but they have been in contact with each other from time to time.

    How domineering Lou was in their eyes at that time.

    Back then, Peng Dong said more than once that he would be such a businessman when he grew up.

    But just now, he saw with his own eyes that the person he admired collapsed and screamed hysterically at the medical staff. In the end, he didn't know if it was because he was so angry, his nose was crooked and his mouth was slanted, and his saliva was dripping.

    Peng Dong didn't say it too carefully, he was someone he admired, and it's not easy to talk about his scandals everywhere, but instead he reminded his friends, "I see Lao Lao like that, he should go to you, Think about it yourself, what to do."

    Lin Qi didn't find it strange.

    A person who is afraid of death suddenly has someone to give him hope, and he will definitely hold on to this lifeline desperately.

    For Lin Yiqian's request, he would definitely do it.

    Lin Qi said: "Come on, come, no matter what he says, I will not agree, a 'great god' who suddenly appeared, who can be sure that he must be a 'great god' and not a 'devil'? Lou wants to dance I don't dare to enter this deep pit."

    Peng Dong was curious, "Why, do you think this person is evil?"

    Lin Qi snorted softly, not knowing whether he was disdainful or answering.

    What kind of person is he? Sooner or later, he will show his feet, and he can follow him happily if he has nothing to do.

    Lin Qi was happy here.

    Ruan Wei was unlucky. After the Lin family announced her and Lin Rong's marriage, countless people came to her, and even her agency re-arranged their agents and assistants, in other words, they had to sign another contract with her. Sign it with a first-line actor's contract.

    Originally, she thought that what happened to Lin Rong would give her a headache, but it would be beneficial to not want to.

    The contract of a first-line actor means that she will have a lot of resources in the future, and she can make various requirements with the company. If it is possible, she may not be able to make a fortune in the entertainment park by herself.

    As a result, the dream has only just begun.

    The nightmare is coming.

    Just when she was packing up and going to go to the company to sign a contract, she received a call before she arrived at the company and was told that she was fired.

    Ruan Wei, who was in the taxi, was panicked and panicked, and made several phone calls before she knew the specific reason.

    So she shut Lin Rong out because she caught a cold and had a fever, so Lin Qi was going to block her? !

    "How is this possible? How can Lin Qi do this?" Ruan Wei murmured, hating to death.

    But she didn't die from a cold, so why should she be banned?

    And when even ordinary couples quarrel and get angry, what is Lin Qi's father inserted in them?

    In exchange for Lin Rong's useless thing, he said that he loved her, but in the end, it's not that she looked down on her if she was allowed to be bullied by Lin Qi.

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