Chapter 267

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Chapter 267 (One more)

    Lin Zumu was a little stunned.

    The father's reaction was too strange.

    She thought that the royal father would be angry, saying that she couldn't see her position clearly, that she somehow expected too much, and might even punish her and drive her out of the palace.

    But I never thought that the father's reaction was so flat.

    It was as if the words she had just said were nothing outrageous.

    Seeing her father looking out of the door of the warehouse, Lin Zumu couldn't hold back, she chased after her, "Father..."

    Lin Qi glanced back at her, "If you want it, then go get it with your ability."

    Lin Zumu widened sharply . Eye.

    Take it for yourself? !

    Lin Qi's words carried majesty, "You must know that I will not give you any convenience, whether I can convince the ministers, and whether I can calm the hearts of the people in the world, it is up to you who will end up with this sword of founding. Myself."

    Hearing these words, Lin Zumo was not sad, but even ecstatic.

    What does the royal father mean that she is also qualified?

    As a daughter's family, can I expect this long sword?

    Lin Qi turned around again and walked outside.

    As he walked, he said lightly: "You can ask your mother, when you fought, if it wasn't because your mother was a daughter alone, I really don't know who should sit in this emperor's position." The

    words were very light.

    If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

    But just because he heard it clearly, Lin Zumo was even more shocked.

    In the position of the emperor, does the mother have the ability to sit on it?

    When I wanted to ask again, I found that the father had gone far away.

    She didn't catch up, but lifted her skirt and headed towards the harem. She wanted to tell her mother about it and discuss what to do next.

    She hurried to her mother's bedroom, and happened to see her at the door who was taking someone out. She ran over and didn't say anything. Queen Zhou hurried over, grabbed her hand, and carefully measured her to make sure she didn't find anything. When something was wrong, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Are you okay? Didn't your father embarrass you?"

    Lin Zumo shook her head and said in a low voice, "Mother, let's go into the room and talk."

    Queen Zhou heard her words. Caution in the room, took her daughter's hand into the bedroom, and didn't let anyone in except for the mama who she really trusted beside her.

    When she heard her daughter's words, Queen Zhou, who used to be calm, was surprised, "He... did he really say that?"

    Lin Zumo nodded.

    At this time, she was shocked and excited and ecstatic. The curvature of the corner of her mouth could not be suppressed. She tightly grasped the mother's hand, "Mother, I want to try."

    Queen Zhou looked at her for a while. did not speak.

    Lin Zumo and her mother looked at each other, but did not look away, she said solemnly: "Comparing with the younger brothers, Erchen will not necessarily lose, Erchen is willing to try his best, no matter what the outcome is, he will not regret it. "

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