Chapter 232

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Chapter 232 (One more)

    Babo is really awesome.

    Not to mention his medical skills, he cured Lin Qi's serious injury in just a few hands, and besides his cooking skills, even ordinary sweet potatoes can be made especially delicious.

    Lin Qi found that the two skill points that Babo lit up were completely copying his skill points.

    Although I really want to brag about it, Babo's cattle batch is his cattle batch.

    However, Babo has one thing better than him.

    That is, he has other skill points, he can't use it by himself, but he can teach it, and he can teach a few of his children well.

    After he heard the four children talking about what they wanted to learn, Lin Qi didn't think what was good or what was bad, but nodded with them in agreement, "Okay, if you want to learn, then seriously talk to Master. Learn."

    Several children nodded.

    Sishui was the most excited. First, Daddy affirmed what he wanted to learn, and then Daddy just hugged him. Now the whole person is very excited, so excited that he took off his shoes and revealed his socks with holes. The feet are turned upside down.

    "Look, Daddy, when I learn it, I'll make up the socks."

    Lin Qi looked at his little feet, the socks had been washed and all the threads ran out. If the movement is bigger, it can be directly formed into a piece of cloth.

    When Sanya saw it, she said, "Take off your socks, my sister will sew them first."     Sishui

    retracted his feet and shook his head desperately: "No, no, I want to come by myself."

He must be very smart. If he wants to learn, he can learn it in a few days. When he learns, he will sew it by himself.

    Lin Qi looked back, thinking about where to get some clothes for the children.

    There are really fabrics in the space, but they are all modern products and cannot be taken out.

    You can only find something to exchange for some silver, and then use the silver to buy it.

    However, where to buy it is also difficult.

    "Dad, what is this?" Liuliu asked while crouching on the ground, her eyes fixed on the bamboo basket on the ground. She just saw something moving inside, which made her almost fall.

    There are three pheasants inside, which is the harvest of this mountain.

    However, it is the harvest of cheating.

    He said: "Tonight we will stew chicken to eat."

    After saying this.

    The first thing that came out was not the sound of surprise and joy, but an instant silence.

    It was so quiet that only the sound of pheasants coming from the basket was heard, which was extraordinarily loud.

    Lin Qihuan was a little strange. He thought that when he knew that there was meat to eat tonight, these children would be very happy, but now it seems that this is not the case?

    After a while.

    Qiqi asked, "Chicken?"

    "What does chicken taste like?"

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