Chapter 240

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Chapter 240 (One more)

    Lin Yi suddenly thought about it, and really felt that he didn't earn enough.

    Thinking about that world, didn't it once say that raising a child and raising a daughter was difficult, a son had to prepare a house for marriage, and a daughter had to prepare something for marriage.

    Naturally, his younger siblings can't be worse than others. Things like houses and shops have to be prepared, right?

    In this way, one hundred taels of gold is really not enough.

    Lin Yi nodded heavily, "You're right, I'll work harder in exchange." The

    day after tomorrow, Liu Yuanwai and the others would have to leave, which means that he would have to get more clients. He just thought about taking a rest. Now let's see Come on, he has to do a lot.

    In this way, Lin Yi felt the pressure and spent more time going out every day.

    The family members are not at home all the time, the boys go to the school together, and the girls study with the master in the backyard.

    The female master Lin Qi was looking for was not the kind of woman who looked at the virtues of women and looked up to the door.

    Although this era is not too fair for women, he doesn't want the three girls to be imprisoned by the world. He hopes that they can live more easily.

    And he and Babo are guarding in the small hospital in the backyard.

    At first, no one came in the small medical center, and Lin Qi was not in a hurry. There were always those who were seriously injured and could not go to other medical centers. As long as they were cured once, they would definitely attract people, and the number of times gradually increased. There are also people who know that their doctors in the hospital are only formidable.

    Less than three months.

    Not only the town, but even the surrounding villages know that there is a very powerful trauma doctor in the city. He can heal any deep wound on his hands. Several times, the incurable wounds from other medical clinics went to the Lin family medical clinic. He was cured, it was amazing.

    What's more, they don't charge much for replacement.

    It's not cheap, but it's not prohibitively high either.

    It's a pity that this doctor can only treat trauma, and other diseases have to be looked at elsewhere.

    In addition to taking care of the medical center, Babo has spare time to teach the children at home to learn what they are interested in.

    For example, Liuliu likes to cook.

    Sishui loves needlework.

    In exchange for Qiqi, I want to learn martial arts.

    It is more or less difficult to learn at the beginning, but after a long time, there are some gains.

    Especially watching the original Xiaodouding grow up gradually, watching the yellow-skinned and thin children being raised well one by one, and becoming a person that makes him proud.

    Ten years have passed quickly.

    The Lin family lived in that yard, but they bought the yard seven or eight years ago. This change is not enough. In exchange, they bought the two yards next door and opened it directly into one. This way, the space is bigger. Some, they also feel comfortable living in.

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