Chapter 248

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Chapter 248 (two more)

    "Auntie?!" Zheng Jinjin saw a familiar person standing in front of him, shouted in surprise, and drove over in his car, "Auntie, look at my car!"

    Lin Xia reached out and touched it Her little head whispered, "It's great, but Jin Jin has to be careful and drive slowly."

    Zheng Jinjin nodded again and again.

    She looked down at her little car and regretted that there were no other vacancies.

    In the past, my aunt drove her to play, but unfortunately she couldn't drive with her to play.

    "Sister, why are you here?" Lin Xi walked over slowly.

    When she saw her sister, her face was full of surprise, her mouth moved, and she seemed to have a lot to say to her.

    Nor does it seem, but it is.

    Lin Xi asked Jin Jin to play by the side, and then pulled her sister to sit aside. It wouldn't be too sunny here, in exchange for seeing Jin Jin playing in the yard at a glance.

    As soon as she sat down, she couldn't wait to say: "I think Dad has really changed, you never imagined that when I first entered the house, I thought it was someone else's house, and the outside was full of Jin Jin and Meimei's toys, The dolls, and the places where the legs and feet of the table are easy to hit people are also covered with sponge. These are not in the house before."

    Lin Xi said with a smile on his face, but tears in his eyes.

    But this is not sadness, but the kind of joy that can't help but share with others.

    She continued: "In my room, the old little desk was gone, and it was replaced by a small bed where Mei Mei slept. Dad prepared a lot of clothes for us, and replaced it with milk powder and milk bottles, which were all given by Dad. Get ready."

    babbled and kept talking.

    It doesn't mean that she is really happy.

    Lin Xia kept listening, but did not reply.

    His eyes fell on Jin Jin, who was driving a car, and quietly listened to his sister.

    Although she didn't say anything, she actually didn't believe it in her heart.

    Just last week, Dad called her and told her to come back for a blind date.

    She didn't hesitate, just refused, and as soon as her voice fell, Dad hung up the phone.

    No scolding, no caring, no questioning, nothing.

    Just keep silent and hang up the phone.

    It's like... no matter what she answers, Dad just routinely asks and doesn't care.

    Lin Xia couldn't believe that a person who had neglected her for 31 years suddenly changed and became very concerned and warm to them.

    She really couldn't believe it.

    And I don't know how to describe this feeling.

    She just feels... can't believe it.

    She couldn't help but make Dad suddenly change. It's not like she didn't try before, to be a good and obedient girl, do whatever she says, no matter if it's at home or outside, try to be a person as much as possible good boy in .

    Is it useless to change it?

    Then why are they working hard now, Dad suddenly changed his attitude?

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