Chapter 273

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Chapter 273

    Lin Zumo didn't open the wooden box right away.

    Even if I am curious, I have been patient.

    Because she had extravagant hopes in her heart, she was afraid that when she opened it, what she saw inside was not what she thought, and she would be disappointed.

    So, the best thing to do is not to watch.

    Keep the wooden box by your side without looking at it.

    In this way, it can bring some motivation to her, and it can also make her vigilant at all times.

    She reached out and landed on the wooden box, stroking it lightly twice.

    Empress Zhou watched, not knowing whether to be happy for Zu Mo or worried about her.

    If people in the world make trouble, people fight, success or failure has its own laws, and it all depends on the ability of the individual.

    But a goblin suddenly appeared in this world, and goblins know how to sorcery. This time, it may be because of the lawless people who rebelled through the goblins.

    But maybe it's the goblin hiding in the world who took advantage of this opportunity to show up.

    The former is just that.

    But if it is the latter, what should Zu Mo do?

    How do you fight a demon alone?

    She was extremely worried, but Queen Zhou couldn't persuade her.

    She knows too well that Zu Mo wants to succeed, even if the road ahead is full of crises, she will not give up.

    If you won't give up, then do it.

    Empress Zhou has also been idle for a while. From the beginning of careful testing, she has accumulated some contacts in her hands.

    At first, I wanted to test His Majesty's bottom line, but whenever His Majesty was a little dissatisfied, she would withdraw her outstretched hand.


    Even if her hand stretched out longer and longer, and even reached the center of the imperial court, His Majesty did not respond at all.

    It was as if her Majesty had no idea what she had done.

    is it possible?

    no way.

    This is the only place in the palace, and almost everything that everyone does is under His Majesty's control.

    How could it be possible to hide from him.

    It's just the little things that happened before, but His Majesty didn't want to deal with it.

    Once you cross that line.

    It is the abyss.

    So she didn't care what she pretended to do before.

    Let Xi Fei make trouble.

    Because she knew that His Majesty was not ignorant, but just allowed Concubine Xi.

    Just like now.

    Her Majesty is not ignorant of the things she did.

    Just let her be, not planning to intervene.

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