Chapter 284

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Chapter 284

    The huge black shadow stayed above, not knowing what it was doing.

    Even if someone went up to the airship to say hello, the other party didn't respond at all.

    If it weren't for the fact that somewhere in the shadow there was something that looked like an eye but didn't look like it blinked every now and then, it would be an unconscious thing.

    But now it's obvious.

    This obviously conscious creature didn't want to pay attention to them.

    The other party ignores them, but they can't ignore each other.

    Regardless of whether he said it or not, his side specially sent a very friendly person to talk from time to time, and then sent some delicious exotic animals to show a special welcome.

    Just when they thought it was going to be a long stalemate.

    I saw that the shadow suddenly shrank, and then flew towards one direction with a 'boom'.

    Just after the shadows disappeared, the third aunt of the Lin family said in surprise, "This is not..."     Mr.

    Lin turned his head to look, and asked, "What is it?"

She frowned and said: "I always feel a little familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it for a while."

    The person on the side quickly asked: "Have you seen this kind of creature?"

    Third Aunt's brows became tighter and tighter. But no matter how I think about it, I can't remember where I saw it.

    The old man Lin followed: "Think about it first, you also go to investigate and find out what species this is."

    After speaking, looking at the direction where the shadow disappeared, the worry in his heart became more and more intense.

    Just after the shadow appeared, he felt a pressure.

    A pressure that he couldn't even resist.

    If it is really evil, then they really don't even have the chance to resist, and they will be directly destroyed.

    There was some fear in his heart, but Mr. Lin didn't show it, but after returning to the low house, he first sent a message to Lin Qi.

    The communication was connected, and what I saw was Lin Qi sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by various small objects.

    Lin Qi's eyes kept falling on the thing in his hand, and he didn't even raise his head: "Dad, what's the matter?"

    Don't look at him being so perfunctory now.

    If another person comes to communicate, he will not be able to connect.

    Mr. Lin first said a few things to him, and then said: "It's a rare trip to the empire, you guys will stay there for a while, and by the way, I will arrange some people to come to you and see if you can find one on other planets. According to the point."

    This time, Lin Qi raised his head, "Based on the point?"

    Mr. Lin nodded, "The living environment of garbage stars is really not good, if possible, change to another ordinary resident planet."

    Lin Qi After hesitating for a while, he nodded, "Okay." After

    saying a few more words, Mr. Lin hung up the address book.

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