Missing Prophet

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(Repost from my other book)

- Sorry I love these two with my life and wish there was more fanfics of them :(

It had been HOURS since he's seen him. Not a word, noise, trace. Nothing. It's like he completely disappeared. Bendy paced back in forth in his lair his inky claws tapping the wooden floorboards. His tail flicked around anxiously as he pondered where his lovely prophet could be. Which also doubled as his partner. The man usually came and cuddled with him at night but he never came. Then he didn't show up to tally up the searchers. Not even to say hello to Bendy himself. If it wasn't clear now, Bendy is extremely clingy. He may not care about much else but Sammy was a much different story. Sammy was quite clingy too. Always wanting to be at the demon's side when he could. Getting anxious when he was gone for too long. Bendy had searched almost every floor. Cleared every corner of the music department where Sammy usually resided. Hell, he even tried asking Henry, who looked at him confused and ran off. However there was one floor he hadn't checked. Because he never ventured there. Alice's floor. Him and her. Though made to love eachother. Despised eachother with every bit of their being. Probably because of the fact that Bendy destroyed half of Alice's face in a fit of rage. In his defense she was being quite bitchy that day. Bendy sighed before walking through a wall leading to Alice's floor. He hadn't seen it in quite some time. It had changed drastically. New security walls had been put up, most likely because of their last encounter. He looked up at the giant gate with a sign above it displaying, "She's Quite A Gal!", causing Bendy to scoff. He walked up to the door before hearing the security gate close hastily. The door in front of him open slowly revealing Alice herself standing there.
"Well well well, look who's come back to me." Alice laughed.
Bendy rolled his eyes in response before finally opening his mouth.
"Listen Alice. I'm just here to see if Sammy came around recently. Need to...see him for a second." Bendy trailed on.
Alice chuckled lightly and nodded.
"Yea. I've seen him. He's been with me all day as a matter of fact. He's just inside here. Would you like to see him?" Alice asked gesturing her hand towards the open gate.
Bendy, in a state of desperation, nodded hastily. Alice smiled back and invited him in. They walked for a bit. They finally reached a dimly lit room. Alice gestured for Bendy to sit which he reluctantly did. There was a glass panel in front of him with things he couldn't quite make out. Alice flipped a switch behind him and soon the mood was set. Sammy was lying on a metal table of some sort strapped down with cables. He was not moving even slightly. Bendy quickly got up from the chair he was seated in banging on the glass. No movement. Bendy's tail whipped around angrily as he turned to Alice. She simply smirked before he pounced on her. She tried moving out of the way but to no avail. He pinned her down choking her. Her deformed face gasping for air kicking at Bendy. Bendy was dripping ink everywhere. In frustration, anger, and sadness.
"Dear god Alice! You said he'd get mad but not like this!" A voice chirped.
Bendy loosened his grip on Alice's neck allowing air to reach her lungs. She coughed before wiggling out of Bendy's grasp and bolting away. Bendy was too busy staring at where the voice came from. Sammy was standing there shakily smiling at the demon. 'He's probably so mad. I knew I shouldn't have listened to her. She's so persuasive.' Sammy thought to himself. Bendy began to approach Sammy. Sammy instinctively closed his eyes waiting for any kind of impact. Instead he felt warm. A warm feeling wrapping around his body. Bendy wrapped himself around the inky man tightly, not planning on letting go ever. Sammy simply chuckled at the sudden affection and tried to snake his arms around the demon's waist. Bendy nuzzled his face in Sammy's neck, purring (ifykyk) gently at the man's touch. Sammy giggled, it always tickled when he did that. Bendy moved his head so he was facing Sammy. The man was smiling brightly and Bendy was basically melting.
"Mmmkiss." Bendy purred.
"Of course my lord." Sammy smiled, pecking the demon's goofy cartoon grin. Bendy couldn't exactly kiss back but he tried. Bendy chuckled goofily before asking for more. Sammy obeyed and gave him a couple more kisses. Bendy was in a trance he did not want to get out of. He didn't even remember why he was in Alice's lair until she spoke from the speakers.
Bendy snapped out of his trance before scowling picking up Sammy, bridal style and walking out of the gate.
Bendy rolled his non existent eyes before walking through a couple walls and ending up in his lair. He walked up to his chair and sat down cuddling Sammy in his arms. Sammy smiled and snuggled into Bendy's bony ass chest. It was a strange feeling but he didn't mind it all. Bendy laid his head on top of Sammy's and purred. He could sit like this forever if given the option. Sammy would agree. Nothing was better than being with your favorite person in the world, now was there?

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