More Memories

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Sammy stared at the music in front of him, studying it thoroughly. He tapped his foot rhythmically and looked at the piano sitting in front of him. He placed his fingers on the keys, coordinating to the notes on the sheet of paper. He began to play the piano, gracefully pressing the keys to play a symphony of sounds. He began to sing along with the music, getting completely lost in his work. He had been whisked away from his rotting wooden desk and was sitting in the clouds. Well, he was. Until a small imp decided to intrude his thoughts. Sammy snapped out of his daydream. He turned to the small demon who just smiled up at the man.
"Ah, Bendy. I didn't see ya come in. What's goin on?"
Sammy spoke softly.
Bendy shrugged. "Just didn't want to be with Joey."
Sammy nodded before beginning to get up.
"W-wait Sam! Can you finish the song you were doin'?" Bendy asked, tugging on the musician's shirt.
Sammy smiled at the imp before obliging and sitting back down. He placed his fingers back on the keys and began to play again. Bendy hummed along this time, his tail swinging back in forth in tune. If it wasn't obvious, the two became very close after the incident with Joey. Bendy would constantly sneak out of Joey's office to go and see the musician. He'd help Sammy write songs, play games with him, and when Sammy would fall asleep at his desk, Bendy would lay with him. All of the other people who worked in the studio were swell but Bendy liked Sammy the most, hell, LOVED Sammy the most. Eventually, Joey caught on however and would come and get Bendy when he needed him and they would say their goodbyes. Bendy watched overtime as Sammy became more and more overworked, having less time to spend with the demon. Of course, he hated this. One day, Bendy made his way to see the musician. He remembers Sammy telling him he was getting a promotion soon. He couldn't be happier for the man. He skipped his way into Sammy's office, and to his surprise, the man wasn't there. Bendy tilted his head in confusion. 'It's Sammy's break right now. He should be here.' Bendy thought for a moment. Then a realization hit him. 'He's probably with Joey talking about the new promotion!' Bendy then skipped his way to Joey's office. It was quite a walk but anything for Sammy. Bendy noticed the windows to Joey's office all covered up, along with the door being locked. Bendy growled before shifting into a puddle. He hated having to do this, it took a lot of energy. He finally reappeared in Joey's office and he took a in front of him and his inky heart stopped. There was Sammy, dead in the chair. There was a large slice in his neck. Bendy began to shake uncontrollably. The usual spark in the man's eyes were replaced with lifeless orbs of nothing. Bendy climbed up onto the man and began to shake him.
"Sam, wake up please. Sam." Bendy repeated over and over.
Small drops of ink leaked from his eyes as he continued shaking the man. Nothing. He finally stopped and just sobbed into Sammy's bloody shirt. He curled up in his lap like he used to do and weeped. It wasn't long before he heard someone unlocking the door. He perked up and hid under Joey's desk. In entered Joey who had a bag, presumably to put Sammy in. Bendy couldn't stand to just watch this happen. He jumped up from under the desk and attacked Joey. The man jumped back, surprised by the attack. He tried swiping at the demon, but Bendy continued to scratch at Joey. Finally, Joey grabbed Bendy by one of his horns and threw him off. Bendy hit the wall with a thud. Joey tried to regain his composure but Bendy wasn't done. Bendy felt his ink grow hotter. It began dripping violently all over the wooden floor. He felt the anger grow larger and larger inside him. Little did he know he WAS growing larger, and scarier. He had turned into a monster, no longer the little harmless imp he was before. Bendy staggered up and looked at Joey, who was shaking at the sight of Bendy. Bendy struck the man throwing him against the wall. At this point the entire floor was watching in horror. Bendy struck Joey again, this time on his face, leaving the man blinded. In one last blow, Bendy rose his clawed foot and stomped it down on the man. Joey ceased to breathe, just like Sammy had before him. Bendy continued to growl and then he looked back at Sammy. He was still in the chair, still lifeless. He grabbed the man in his arms, taking him out of the office, and back to his own. It was difficult to look at the man, the big gaping gash in his neck, his soulless eyes. Bendy laid the man down on the cot in his office he kept when he didn't feel like driving home. Bendy then lay next to the cot and waited. Hoping Sammy just might wake up. Of course, that didn't happen. And once Bendy realized this he went mad. He took it out on other workers in the studio, killing most of them. As the ink demon crept through the halls looking for another victim, he came across a room he had completely missed. The Ink Machine room. Then it hit him. He COULD bring Sammy back. He quickly rushed through the halls going back to Sammy's now decaying corpse. He quickly carried it to the ink machine and turned it on. He threw the corpse inside and sat by the machine, waiting. His tail flicked back and forth anxiously. Suddenly, the machine made a loud noise. Ink gurgled inside and spewed a bunch of ink on the wooden floor. He watched as the ink puddle gurgled and began to form. It formed...a man. Bendy watched as the man formed and began to gain consciousness. He was covered in ink, no, MADE of ink. He sat up slowly, blinking slowly. He observed his surroundings for a moment. Then he made eye contact with the demon. At first, he was very frightened, jumping back and crying for mercy. Bendy was taken aback by this. 'Did he not recognize him?'
"'s me..." Bendy murmured at the man.
The man still kept his hands up in a defensive position, scared of what the monster in front of him might do. Bendy began to shake again. 'Had he forgotten him? No...he was just a little scared is all...right...?' Bendy slowly tried approaching the man again, trying to not scare Sammy anymore.
"P-please...I don't know if I'm in hell or something along those lines but I didn't do anything wrong please!" Sammy begged.
Bendy winced at these words. He'd never want to hurt Sammy. He then looked down and at himself. He forgot the form he had taken. He grunted for a moment before feeling himself begin to shrink. In a matter of moments, Bendy went back to his normal cartoony self. Once Sammy saw him, his inky features lit up.
"Oh, Bendy!" Sammy squeaked, crawling over to the imp.
Bendy sighed with relief that the man finally recognized him. The two quickly embraced, Sammy clutching the small demon tightly. When the finally let go, Sammy looked around curiously.
"Where am I?"
Bendy's smile faded as he looked around at the disarray he had caused. He decided not to answer Sammy's question for the time being. Sammy began to shakily get up, feeling more wobbly than usual. He placed his arms out in front of him to gain balance and he finally saw his inky arms and fell back.
"AHH!" Sammy screamed.
Bendy was alarmed and instinctively went back to his bigger form. Sammy was shaking uncontrollably. What was he? What is going on? So many questions buzzed through his head. Bendy look at the man and placed a clawed hand on his shoulder.
" died Sammy.....and I...I brought you back...."
Sammy blinked a couple times before screaming again. HE DIED? AND WAS ALIVE AGAIN? Even more thoughts buzzed into Sammy's head. It was all cut off when a warm feeling enveloped him. He looked up to see the now taller demon holding him. Soft purring could be heard it and it soothed Sammy slightly. He was still disturbed at what happened to him but at least he had Bendy with him.
"I..I couldn't stand to just see you like that...HE hurt you....and I went mad....I messed up everything...but he won't hurt you anymore...Sammy couldn't remember much of what happened before his death. Much of anything to be honest. All he could remember was....Bendy. Bendy Bendy Bendy. The imp never left his mind. No matter what he did. Like a prophet with their lord. That was it! He was his lord and savior. And he his prophet. He finally calmed down and began to take in his surroundings again. He realized he wasn't wearing anything but he was covered in ink. He quickly covered himself and Bendy walked off and came back with some old looking overalls. Sammy quickly put them on and sighed. He looked at Bendy who gave him a nervous smile. Sammy then got on his hands and knees in a praying position. Bendy looked at him curiously.
"Oh great lord. Please let me serve you as your once loyal prophet." Sammy spoke.
Bendy was utterly shocked by this. But at the same time, very intrigued.
"Lord you say?" Bendy stifled a laugh.
"Yes. You are my lord are you not?" Sammy questioned.
Bendy held back a laugh. 'Sammy looked so silly like this.' Bendy thought to himself.
"What's so funny my lord?"
Bendy finally stopped laughing. My lord. Those words made Bendy feel fuzzy. Especially when Sammy said them. He was beginning to like this whole lord thing pretty fast. Bendy finally sighed and looked at him.
"Yes, my prophet. I am your lord and you are to serve me for anything I ask."
Sammy nodded hastily, ready to be at the demon's beck and call. Bendy smiled at this and motioned for the man to get up. Sammy quickly got to his feet and Bendy snickered. 'Oh I'm gonna enjoy this.'

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