The New Photographer (AU)

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-HI LOVLIES IM UPDATING THIS!! This is gonna be another AU I came up with! It features a Human! Bendy and Human! Sammy. Instead of working in the grimy animation studio Bendy has a model-esque career and Sammy is one of his photographers. The photo above is what their designs look like (it is kind of outdated but it still works.) HOPE YOU ENJOY AGH-

"Over here!"
"Looking great sir!"
"Pose just like that!"
Bendy felt his eyes become heavy with fatigue. He'd been hard at work all day, posing, switching outfits, looking at camera lenses, flashed with giant lights. Saying he was tired was an understatement. He slowly walked to his personal room in the studio, hoping for some alone time. His forked tail dragged on the floor as he made his way down the hallway. He found his room, marked with a star displaying his name. He opened the door with a click and walked in. Which he was greeted with a man sitting on the velvet couch in the middle of the room. Bendy felt his breath hitch. His tail stopped drooping on the floor and began to shake rhythmically behind him. The man in front of him let out a gasp and quickly got up from the seat.
"S-sorry sir! I was just told to sit in here so I j-just let myself in!" The man spluttered out.
Bendy was still staring at the man, no part of him moving besides his tail. The man noticed this and let out a small cough. Bendy finally snapped out of the dazed state he was in and clapped his hands.
"Right then. What exactly are you here for?" Bendy questioned, trying to keep his tone dry.
The man scrambled back to the couch and grabbed a manilla folder. He quickly handed it to Bendy who looked at it curiously.
"M-my name is Sammy. Sammy Lawrence sir. I was hired here to be y-your new photographer but I was told I s-should meet you first to make sure I'm fit to be here." Sammy smiled out, holding out his hand.
Bendy felt his face flush and tail swish faster behind him. He studied the man for a moment. His dirty blond messy locks, his dark green eyes, his rough looking overalls and bowtie. His face was a bit worse for wear aswell. And it ENTRANCED Bendy. He gave Sammy a small smile and handed him the manilla folder. Sammy looked up Bendy, a bit confused.
"I think you'll do just fine here, Lawrence." He let the man's name linger.
Sammy felt his whole body shake. He'd heard his name be called before but the way Bendy said it was...electric. Sammy felt his face heat up just slightly. Bendy noticed this and grinned wider. 'I've got him.'
"Now Sammy, why don't you sit back down and we can discuss what you can do for me. Maybe over some wine perhaps?" Bendy said, slyly, having regained his composure and taking more control of the situation.
Sammy nodded quickly, now also curious about the demon-like man in front of him.
"Perfect. Have a seat."
"You did great today! Just one more shoot and we're done. We've hired a world famous photographer to take these next collage of photos." Bendy's manager chirped to Bendy, whom was messing with his nails.
"Excuse me?" Bendy let out in a small hiss.
"Is there something wrong Bendy?" His manager gulped.
"You know that I only work with MY photographer. We've been over this." Bendy spat, now glaring at his director.
"Yes..I know but...we thought it'd be best for you to try a new perspective with a new've not changed for almost a year now." His manager tried to fight back against his boss.
"And it will STAY that way. I only trust my top photographer with such important collages and shoots. You can send this "world famous" one away." Bendy replied, anger the only thing in his tone.
"But sir please-"
"NO BUTS. Send him away." Bendy growled, feeling the ink on his right eye grow hotter and his claws grow larger.
"YES SIR!" His manager knew better than to get Bendy worse than that.
Bendy watched the manager dash off and the rest of his crew look at him wearily.
"The shoots are done for today. You are dismissed." Bendy said, shooing them away, his claws going back to their normal size.
His crew did just that, beginning to pack their things as Bendy made his way past them to his personal room. His tail dragged as usual across the marble floor, his shoes let out a small clicks across the floor. He found his room, the iconic star with 'Bendy' engraved in it. He opened the door with a click. Inside he was greeted with a whistling Sammy on the velvet couch, reading a recent newspaper. Bendy smiled before letting out an exaggerated sigh, catching the blond man's attention. His face lit up at the sight of the devilish man.
"Hi Bendy!" Sammy beamed, putting his newspaper away on the desk nearby.
"Hello Lawrence." Bendy said flopping down on the man's lap, absolutely exhausted.
"How was your last shoot? They said I couldn't be there." Sammy asked, curiosity filling his green eyes.
Bendy looked at him warmly. He sat up on the couch correctly, snaking his arms around Sammy and pulling him close. Sammy giggled at this, loving the attention.
"Stupid manager wanted me to work with a new photographer. Had to tell him off." Bendy grumbled, messing with Sammy's hair.
"Why's that?" Sammy said tilting his head back so he was making eye contact with the man.
"Because, I only want YOU photographing me Sam." Bendy purred, placing a small kiss on the blonde's forehead. Sammy felt his face flush at the compliment. He never really knew why he ever sent other photographers away, so to hear it was because of him? Oh fuck. Sammy stared at the demon man's single golden iris. It gleamed beautifully in the light, like an actual piece of gold. Sammy, in a small fit of flusteredness, pressed his lips against Bendy's. Bendy usually initiated any contact like this, rendering him a little shocked but he quickly melted into the kiss. Sammy became more and more relaxed in Bendy's arms, this kiss lasting an eternity neither wanting to pull back. That of course was not going to stay that way, featuring a knock at Bendy's door. At first, both ignored it, not caring who could possibly at the door, but then the doorknob rattles. Bendy, realizing he hadn't locked the door, quickly pulled away from his lover, rubbing the saliva string on his sleeve. Sammy was still dazed and his head on Bendy's shoulder. The door finally opened to reveal Bendy's manager standing their awkwardly.
"Oh! Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt or anything." The manager spoke quietly.
"You didn't. What can I help you with, Henry?" Bendy sighed, already bored with the conversation.
"Well I sent away the other photographer like you asked, here's the refund bill." Henry spoke, walking up to the demon man and handing him a slip of paper.
Bendy nodded and handed it back to him.
"Give it to Grant. He'll deal with it." Bendy said.
Henry nodded and scurried off, closing the door behind him.
Bendy let out a sigh and laid his eyes on Sammy, who had slowly drifted off on his shoulder. He smiled at this placing a small kiss on his blond locks. He snaked his arms and tail around the man and got himself comfortable before slowly drifting off too. Perfect end to a hectic day.

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