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-Another slight AU? I guess just how I thought everything went down before everyone died or whateves >:)-

Sammy tapped his fingers against his desk, thinking deeply. He was coming up with a new song for the new character Joey had come up with. It was a big workload and frankly, it was pissing Sammy off. He growled under his breath, crumpling up yet another paper and chucking it in the trash bin to his left. He sighed, annoyed. He'd been sitting here for hours and he was on the verge of madness. Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door to his office. He tilted his head to see who was there through the window and didn't see anyone. He furrowed his brows in annoyance, thinking someone was messing with him. He looked back at his desk before hearing the knock again. He groaned before getting up and whipping open the door, and just like he thought no one was there. A small ink puddle somehow made its way onto the floor which confused Sammy but he decided to pay it no mind. He closed the door and turned around before being met with a tiny little demon right in front of him. He jumped back, scared beyond belief. The demon looked at him curiously, smiling brightly. Sammy studied the demon as well, wondering what the hell he was looking at.
"What....who....are you.......?" Sammy stuttered out.
The demon tilted its head at the man.
" speak...?" Sammy questioned again.
"Course I can!" The demon smiled.
Sammy jumped back again, surprised the voice came out of the thing without its mouth moving. The demon chuckled at this and got closer to the man. Sammy starting shaking viciously, terrified that this might be the end. He searched around for something to defend himself with but only found scraps of paper. Sammy finally hit the back of the door and messed with the knob. The demon noticed this and pounced on the man. Sammy screeched before falling over. The demon sat on his chest as it heaved up and down quickly. It laid down like a cat and simply smiled at the man.
"You're so interesting. I might just stay awhile." The demon chuckled.
Sammy just stared. The demon yawned, seemingly tired and promptly fell asleep on Sammy's chest. Sammy blinked his eyes, trying to see if he was dreaming.
"What the fuck." Sammy spoke, softly. He shakily got up still holding the demon on his chest, scared to wake it up. It felt strange. It was purely made of ink. Sammy wondered if this is what Joey was talking about with the new project. Speak of the devil, he heard his boss yelling his name down the hall. He turned his head and began to silently panic. Should he ask Joey if he knows what it is? Should he keep it hidden? His mind raced with thoughts as he watched his boss creep closer. He decided on the latter. Hiding it would be good for now. He didn't need to get fired over a demon spawn. He'd worked too hard. He quickly shook the small imp awake and ushered him under his desk. The demon looked at him confused but was shaken from his confusion when the door burst open.
"SAMMY! Oh there you are. Sorry to disturb you but I do happen to be looking for something and I was wondering if you'd seen it anywhere." Joey spoke, frantically.
Sammy hadn't seen the man like this before.
"What is it you're lookin' for sir?" Sammy questioned.
Joey cleared his throat before speaking.
"Now this may sound odd but please, hear me out. There's a little....cartoon...running around. He's the new character we came up with, see. Bendy's his name. But he seems to like running off places. Doesn't seem to like being cooped up in the old office with me."
Sammy nodded hesitantly. 'So that's who he was.' Sammy looked over under to where Bendy was and Bendy gave him a look of fear. This gave Sammy an idea on why he was running around a lot. This gave Sammy the realization that this demon wasn't going to harm him. At least not at the moment. Sammy looked back at his boss and gulped.
"Well Mr. Drew, I can't say I've seen any cartoon running around the music department. But I promise I'll let ya know if I do come across it!" Sammy smiled weakly.
Joey gave him a slightly suspicious look but simply nodded. He waved him goodbye and left his office. Sammy waited until the man was out of sight and looked back over at Bendy who had a facial expression of relief now. Sammy knelt down to the demon again and gave him awkward smile.
"Saved your ass there didn't I?" Sammy chuckled at the imp.
Bendy gave him a bright smile before making his way out from under the desk. He then held out his hand for Sammy to shake.
"Ya sure did! You have my gratitude! I'm Bendy!" Bendy continued smiling at the man.
Sammy grabbed the demon's small hand and shook it.
"Sammy. Sammy Lawrence."
Sammy quickly jolted up, panting and shaking violently. He looked around at the disheveled area he was laying in. He'd been having the same dream for almost a week. It went the same but new parts would be discovered each time. He eventually heard loud stomping followed by a door being whipped open. There he was: Bendy. Though he had grown quite a bit since when he first met him. He been corrupted and traumatized beyond comprehension but one thing stayed the same: his love for Sammy. How hr continued to stay with and protect the man. He vowed to this ever since he had to watch him die all those years ago. The ink demon walked up to the inky man and held him close. Sammy had talked about the dreams he'd been having. Bendy vaguely remembered their past but always liked it when Sammy would tell him about it.
"Yea yea. It's okay now. I'm here." Bendy purred to his lover.
Sammy's panting and shaking eventually ceased and he looked up at Bendy.
"I told you my name this time. And you told me yours. It felt so...surreal." Sammy explained.
Bendy remembered that moment in great detail however. Shaking Sammy's hand for the first time. It was his favorite moment in the 30 plus years he'd been in existence. He smiled at the thought. He nuzzled Sammy's neck lightly, purring. Sammy smiled, petting the demon's head as if he were a dog. Bendy's tail flicked around happily at this. Small giggles escaped Sammy's lips at his lord's cute actions.
"You're so very cute like this my lord." Sammy smiled.
"I ain't cute Sammy." Bendy spat back.
"But you act just like a puppy!" Sammy giggled.
Bendy growled and pushed Sammy away, pouting.
"My lord? Are you mad at me?" Sammy slightly giggled out.
He couldn't help himself. He was so lucky. He couldn't fathom how he got to be with someone as amazing as his lord. Sammy just kept smiling. Bendy looked at him and just stared. God, he loved this man. Bendy growled and snuggled back up to Sammy. Sammy kissed Bendy's head softly and slowly fell asleep again. Bendy purred before falling asleep aswell.
-yea. i know they seem kind of uncharacteristic but idc its my story i do what i want 🤯

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