Protector Prophet

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-HAII!! I'm back my ink infested friends with yet another installment of this kooky book. SO SORRY I've been gone for such a long time. Have had some life stuff going on and little motivation to write but I'm back! ALSO THANKS FOR 5K READS GOOD GOD WHERE ARE YOU ALL COMING FROM???

-Dedicated to my best friend Toxi-

Warnings will be put up on a specific section when it occurs.

It was a lazy day in the old studio. No one was really in the mood to start any shenanigans. The ink demon himself was snoring loudly in his tattered up throne; his prophet on his chest doing the same. Sammy shifted around for a bit, causing Bendy to let out a groan and wake up. He looked around at his surroundings before looking down at his lover laying on his chest. He let out a gentle sigh before nuzzling his head slightly. Sammy let out a hum before shifting again. Bendy let out a low chuckle, enjoying the little noises Sammy produced. A small knock was heard on the wall frame nearby. Bendy turned his head to see a lost one shakily standing there. Bendy huffed, gesturing for the lost one to hold on a moment. He carefully moved the sleeping man off of him and onto the chair. He walked over to the lost one slowly, his tail flicking in annoyance. He looked down at the inky being and put his hand on his hip.

"Get on with it then." Bendy spoke bitterly. "And quietly please."

"R-right sir. I just came to inform you that the human has been making his rounds in the remnants of BendyLand. And its said that 'The Projectionist' is lurking there too. He may be a cause of concern." The lost one spoke quietly.

Bendy expression went grim. 'Leave it to him to ruin everything.' He thought to himself. He let out a sigh and nodded at the lost one.

"I'll go take care of it. You're excused."

"Yes sir." The lost one squeaked before scampering away.

Bendy looked back over to his throne where a still sleeping Sammy lay. He smile returned and he walked over to give Sammy one last nuzzle before sinking into the floor to his next destination: BendyLand.


Bendy arrived at the former carnival. He looked up at the sign; his cartoon face plastered in between the words 'Bendy' and 'Land'. However, the word 'Land' was now replaced with inky writing of the word 'HELL'. Bendy let out a growl at whoever dared have done that but he didn't dwell on it; he had bigger fish to fry. He walked down the steep steps towards where the carnival games sat. He noticed they had been disturbed. Something had moved them. He looked at the toy rifle at one of the booths. He could see ink stained handprints on the base and trigger. Human handprints. He noted that Henry was definitely here. He looked further on to see the cords below him were buzzing with electricity. They all led back to a panel with several switches, most of which were turned on. Except one. The cord led to an open gate with posters inside advertising Boris' Railway. He remembered that idea being thrown about between Joey and another man he couldn't quite remember. He pressed on further to see a small hallway leading to a flight of stairs leading downward. He listened closely and could hear the sounds of ink sloshing around and the whirring of a projector. 'He was here.' Bendy growled. He was about to intervene when he heard a switch flip and the room went dark. Bendy whirled his head around looking for any form of light. He walked into a wall and turned around, finally seeing light. It was coming from the Projectionist who was reaching at a Miracle Station, presumably holding a scared Henry inside. Bendy lunged at the projector-headed creature, hitting him square in the face. The Projectionist screeched, immediately lunging back at Bendy to hit him. Bendy felt force hit the side of his head roughly. He let out a pained grunt before he swung his gloved hand again. The Projectionist dodged the blow, letting out another screech. Bendy stumbled towards the ink creature, his uncovered claw ready to attack. The ink demon was met with a foot in his chest instead. He flew back, hitting a barrel in the process. He let out a loud hiss in pain. He could feel inky blood spilling from his torso, pooling on the floorboards beneath him. He felt a large ink leg push down forcefully on his lower torso, earning another hiss from Bendy. A bright light was shined in the demon's face; like Heaven's gate was shining down upon him. Like he'd ever make it there. Bendy growled clawing at the Projectionist's leg. The Projectionist screeched loudly, reaching down to grab Bendy's crescent head. Bendy grabbed at his hands, trying to pry them off as much as possible. The projector creature tried yanking the demon's head roughly, cause Bendy to let out a loud cry. It hurt like hell, TRUE hell. Bendy gripped onto the creature's arms tighter pulling them down. He kept his head held back to stop from any more pulling forward. The Projectionist's camera whirred and clicked in frustration trying to yank harder. Bendy felt his vision blur ever so slightly, tilting his head to the side in exhaustion. He saw the slightest movement behind him and everything was still. The Projectionist loosened his grip slowly, allowing Bendy to push him off and relax himself to heal. The Projectionist was now holding onto his chest. A large portion of an axe was poking out of the speaker that resided there. He let out a small pained screech, the noise more warbled than before. He turned around, the whirring of his camera becoming more and more quiet as his body was shutting down. There was standing a man. Masked with a Bendy cutout face and in a pair of tattered overalls. His chest was heaving as he looked at the creature in front of him with murderous intent. He grabbed the creature by his neck roughly, lifting him up slightly.

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