Sammy's Department Store (AU)

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(Repost from my other book)

-ok so like disclaimer this is a kind of au I came up with where all of the BATIM crew works in a convenient store. Sooo yea,,still gonna have the homosexuals just a little different!!

The day started off as usual. Sammy yawned as he grabbed the key to the dark and empty store. The lock clicked as he removed the key from the hole and pushed open the door. He groggily made his way to the register and clicked it on. He messed with it for a bit before he heard the automatic door open. He turned his head to greet whoever came in but there was no one. Sammy tilted his head slightly in confusion. 'Odd.' He thought to himself. He simply shrugged and turned back to the register. But something felt off. He felt a strange aura surrounding him. It made him shiver. Suddenly arms wrapped around him, making Sammy jump. He began to struggle, thinking he was being ambushed. He heard a deep chuckle and then he stopped struggling. He looked up to see his boss, Bendy, holding him tightly. Sammy let out a giant sigh of relief. Bendy chuckled some more before nuzzling Sammy's neck. Sammy let out a giggle and kissed Bendy's big goofy grin. Bendy's tail whipped back and forth, a sign he was quite happy with this. Sammy gave him a couple more kisses before a loud 'UGH' was heard coming through the doors. They both looked over to see an agitated Alice walk in. Bendy gave her a glare and Sammy simply waved.
"It's way too early for you to be doing all that." Alice spat, putting on her apron and badge.
"Yea ok angel you're just mad I have the hot boyfriend and you don't." Bendy hissed back.
Sammy's cheeks heated up at the comment. Alice gave him the bird and went to begin restocking aisles. Bendy gave Sammy one last nuzzle before making his way to his office. Sammy sighed contently. Alice was really the only person who knew about the two; because of the numerous times she would catch them making out in Bendy's office. Only because her and Sammy were somewhat friends she said she wouldn't tell anyone. Sammy watched as more workers entered and went to do their jobs. The Butcher Gang; Pipers, Strikers, and Fishers all waddled in as they went and started sweeping the floors. One of them would accidentally bump into a customer and start screeching loudly. Most customers fainted out of sheer fear. Boris walked in cautiously. He was still scared of the whole being surrounded by a bunch of humans at once thing. Most of the time when someone would ask him for a specific item he'd start shaking and cower down. Allison and Tom would come in next. They worked at the registers with Sammy. They were the only somewhat sane ones in the store. No issues really arose for them. Unless someone would say something about Allison, then Tom would get all defensive and it was a mess. Finally Henry and Norman made their way in. Henry waved cheerily at everyone while Norman garbled some words no one could understand. Norman also helped restock and Henry was a cashier, seeing how he was the only human that worked there. Today had seemed to be a busy one. Customers rushing in and out. The place had seen a rise in clientele due to it's strange array of workers. Most people not being able to believe that there were inky creatures working there. Sammy was helping ring up someone's items but one of the barcodes was super messed up so it wouldn't scan. Sammy looked at it oddly and continued trying.
"Excuse me. Can you go a little faster? I got places to be." The customer asked, annoyance very clear in their tone.
"I apologize. The barcode seems to not be working. Maybe if you went a grabbed a new on-" Sammy started before getting cut off.
"Listen. I understand everyone else can stand you freaks but I can't. I just want my stuff so I can go. I can't stand another minute in here. Hell, I should get my stuff for free with the treatment I'm getting." The customer hissed.
"I- doesn't work like th-" Sammy was interrupted once again but not by the customer, but by a hand on his shoulder. It was Bendy. He gave Sammy a reassuring pat before locking eyes with the customer.
"I can give you a free foot up your ass if you're interested." Bendy spat.
The customer looked at him, appalled at what they just heard.
"Get out of my store." Bendy stated simply.
The customer huffed leaving their cart of things behind and stomping out of the store. The other cashiers chuckled while Bendy sighed, annoyed.
"Can't let them talk to you like that Sam." Bendy said looking at Sammy.
"Well I was gonna handle it but you always interrupt me." Sammy responded, placing his hands on his hips.
"Like you care~" Bendy cooed, caressing Sammy's face in his gloved hand.
A few people gawked at the two, some taking pictures. The two quickly separated and Bendy hissed at anyone who looked at him. Sammy turned to Henry, Allison and Tom, who all just chuckled as if they weren't surprised.
"Alice told us a while ago." Henry confessed.
"SHE WHAT." Bendy turned his head angrily.
"Yea we just didn't believe her at the time." Allison piped in.
Bendy growled and made his way through the crowd to find Alice. The other 4 chuckled at this and continued their jobs. Henry gave Sammy a thumbs up. Sammy simply blushed and continued ringing up customers. Finally the store was ready to be closed and everyone made their way out. Sammy finished getting his things when a certain someone sneaked up on him again. Small purrs could be heard close to his ears and Sammy simply smiled.
"You really need to figure out a different way to get my attention." Sammy chuckled turning around towards his boyfriend. Bendy's smile simply widened.
"It's more fun this way! At least for me it is." Bendy snickered.
Sammy chuckled and planted a kiss on Bendy's face again. Bendy's tail began to whip around like a puppy. They kissed for a bit longer before they separated and Sammy smiled.
"I love you." Sammy spoke softly.
Bendy felt his heart race.
"Yea well I love ya more." Bendy smiled back.
They stared at each other for a bit before the silence was broken by another loud 'UGH'.
"You guys need to do this outside of work. Seriously." Alice huffed, hanging her apron up.
"GET OUT ALICE." Bendy hissed at her.
Alice chuckled, waved by to Sammy and made her way out to her car. Sammy chuckled before grabbing Bendy's hand and leading him outside as well. They shared one last kiss before both of them drove on home. And Pipers got locked in the store again. Stupid Pipers.

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