YLMIAH Alternate Ending

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-yea so like,,the last story was too much so like i HAVE to make an alt ending cause i want happy no sadge so here we goooo-

Sammy was doing his norm. Venturing around for a sacrifice. Anything to sacrifice. Anything...for his lord. Sammy, armed with a dustpan, made his rounds around his department. He then suddenly heard footsteps. Unfamiliar footsteps. He walked closer to them and peered behind a hallway. There he saw a man. A...strangely familiar man. Sammy cocked his head to the side in confusion. There hasn't been any visitors here in ages. Sammy watched the man some more. He was messing with switches. Trying to enter his sanctuary. Sammy smiled at this thought. 'He'll be the perfect sacrifice for him.' Sammy then slowly followed the man around as he flipped switches, destroyed cutouts, and killed searchers. This went on for a couple hours or so until he finally reached Sammy's office. Sammy watched him from a distance and prepared himself to strike. The man flipped the pump switched and wiped his brow. He then exited Sammy's office and made his way towards the exit. But was rudely cut off by a blow to the head by yours truly, Sammy Lawrence. Sammy stepped over the unconscious man, admiring his work. He quickly dragged the man to another room, preparing the ritual. He tied the man up tightly, painted a pentagram under him with his finger, lit up some candles, and simply waited. The man finally stirred, struggling in the ropes Sammy had bound him in. Sammy smirked and laughed at this. The man looked at Sammy in pure fear.
[Insert Sammy's long speech here]
Sammy then made his way towards another room, closing the door behind him. He prepped the mic and began to speak.
"Sheep sheep sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. In the morning you may wake, or in the morning, you'll be dead."
Sammy then began chanting for his lord, calling for him to take the man as his offering. The man continued to struggle in the rope, hearing something in the ceiling getting closer by the second. Sammy's voice began to waver as the Ink Demon made his way towards the room. Suddenly, an ink puddle appeared in the ceiling and down came the Ink Demon. Sammy dropped to his knees in a praying position like he always does, waiting for any order from his savior. Though when Bendy had arrived this time, he was pissed. He grabbed Sammy by the neck and held him up high. Sammy struggled in the demon's grip, not quite understanding the situation.
"M-my lo-ord! What are y-" Sammy was quickly cut off by Bendy squeezing tighter around his throat. Sammy began to choke, air no longer reaching his lungs.
"Listen here Lawrence. I thought I told you NOT to bother me with these stupid rituals anymore. You are wasting my FUCKING time. Do you hear me? AND I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HENRY ALONE. IF THIS HAPPENS AGAIN SO HELP ME LAWRENCE I WILL KILL YOU. YOU GOT IT?" Bendy spat in his prophet's face.
[New Ending Starts Here]
The inky man shakily nodded in response. Bendy loosened his grip and gently put the man down. Sammy began coughing and panting, trying to take as much air as possible. Once he finally began to breathe normally, he looked at the Ink Demon who was facing the door. He quickly pushed his head through and then came back in. Sammy eyed him curiously but still quite frightened. Bendy turned his head over to Sammy but this time with a more worried expression. He knelt down to Sammy and began examining the man. Sammy sat in awe after almost experiencing death with the demon. Bendy then embraced the inky man.
"Sammy,,,I'm sorry,,,,I didn't want Henry to hurt you,,,,so I needed to scare him away,,,I won't do it again,,,I promise,,," Bendy muttered into the man's shoulder.
Hearing the Ink Demon apologize made everything that had just occur previously disappear from Sammy's mind. He quickly embraced his lord and began sobbing into his shoulder.
"M-my lord! Do not be sorry! Y-you were protecting me!" Sammy continued sobbing.
Bendy let go of Sammy and held the man's face in his hands. He pecked the man on his cheek and began to purr on his neck. Sammy was stunned. His lord had just...KISSED HIM! Sammy tackled the inky being, pecking more and more kisses on the big goofy grin that resided on the Ink Demon's face. Bendy chuckled lowly,trying to pry Sammy off.
"Ok ok Sam,,,that's good." Bendy spoke softly.
Sammy finally let go and just smiled at the ink demon. Bendy felt his demon tail begin to wag back and forth at the sight of his adorable prophet. He grabbed the man in his arms and took him through some walls into they entered Sammy's office. They laid on the cot Sammy had to the side and Bendy held his prophet close. They both sat in comfortable silence for a while just cuddling in the room. Nothing better than that. Is there.


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