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Before we begin, I'd love to suggest giving my Jimmy Fallon fanfiction a read! It's ongoing and has a lot of chapters written already. This Johnny Depp story is new, so there isn't a lot in it so far, but please give it a chance—there's a lot to come! Happy reading!


Y/N's chauffer opened her door of his blackout cab, and she stepped out of it.

Dressed in a smart black dress paired with matching gloves and a string of pearls, she stood outside of Uphill Lounge, an exclusive restaurant in the heat of Hollywood, for a dinner after the premier of her newest film feature.

There would be many well known guests attending, including ones who didn't star in the movie themselves, and Y/N was nervous.
She made her way through the enormous entryway and over to the front desk. After checking in with her invitation code, she was escorted through the jaw-dropping building to a long, large table located at the back of it.

Sat at a few of the many seats were her co-stars, director, and other people unrelated to the film who were invited for the actors to socialise and make connections within the industry.

Only one of those guests caught her eye, though, and his name was Johnny Depp.

She didn't have to be introduced to him to know it—everyone did. Once you saw him, you never forgot him, from his sweet, soft eyes, to his chiselled cheekbones, and then shy smile.
Y/N's heart dropped when his eyes met hers. He had noticed her taking in his appearance, entranced by it.

He raised his eyebrows in a friendly greeting and smiled. "Hello. Nice to meet you!"

Her mind almost blanking, Y/N managed to respond with, "Hi, nice to meet you, too." Very nice, indeed, she added in her head, and took a seat far away from Johnny. She wouldn't be able to function around him for the remainder of the dinner, otherwise, if she had taken the seat opposite his.


During the dinner, she had answered a lot of questions about her new movie. She had played the character of an orphan-turned-superstar who tragically died from an overdose at the end of the movie. It was an interesting role to play, but during interviews she had already been asked most of the same questions, so they didn't interest her all that much.

After a glass of champagne, Y/N felt she needed to excuse herself and make a trip to the ladies' room. Even the bathroom of the restaurant smelled and looked pleasant, the toilet seats and basins made of cream marble. Her ears rang from the silence of the bathroom after hours of chatter from a table of thirty downstairs in the dining room. She flushed the the toilet to relieve the sound.

When she left the bathroom, she bumped into someone outside the door. Whoever it was tall in his suit, and apologised profusely after making the collision.

When Y/N looked up to see who it was and apologise in return, her breath caught.
Johnny Depp was standing before her.


Question: What should Y/N say to Johnny?

Please leave a vote and a comment if you enjoyed this chapter! Everyone who takes the time to give my story a chance is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for reading!

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