I Insist

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Soon, Claire and her boyfriend were escorted out of the apartment, and only Johnny, Rick, and Y/N remained.

Johnny put his palms to his head. "I need a drink." He paused by the doorway to the kitchen. "Y/N, I'm so sorry about all of that. Can I get you anything?"

With his hands and shirt coated in blood, Y/N thought he still looked gorgeous...maybe even more gorgeous. "It's not your fault. You were probably the one who saved her life," she said.

"No, don't flatter me. Claire is just dramatic," said Johnny, before leaving for the kitchen.

When he returned a few moments later, he had three bottles of beer in hand. He shared them out and said, "Again, I'm so sorry you had to see all of that, Y/N. I'd like to say it doesn't happen often, but with Claire...that would be a lie."

It all still sounded so strange to Y/N. Did Claire harm herself on purpose just to make Johnny fuss over her? Y/N had been so focused on the fact that Johnny didn't like his ex back, that she hadn't realised how terrible the situation really was, for Johnny and Claire.

"Why does it happen often?" Y/N asked. "Rick told me she does it for attention, so does that mean she hurts herself?"

"No," said Johnny. "I don't think she does it on purpose, but Rick thinks so. We don't really know the reasons behind it, but in my opinion, I think it's because her boyfriend gets her drunk and high and involved with the wrong crowd. He takes her to see dangerous people and dangerous places, because not only is he a regular junkie, but he's an adrenaline junkie, too. That's why I don't like him. It's only started happening since she's been with him. This is the only time she's been stabbed, though. Before it's been a head injury, a broken ankle, burns..."

Y/N was in shock. "You really should tell the police."

"Oh, I have," said Johnny. "And I told them again today. Hopefully they'll take it seriously, this time, before it ends in something worse the next. They said they'll give me a call tomorrow to talk to me."

That put Y/N's mind at ease a little. Hopefully the situation would get sorted out.

"That doesn't mean I still don't think she's crazy, though," Johnny added.

Y/N cracked open her beer with the bottle opener on the table. She needed it, too, now.
Johnny spoke again, and yawned. "I'm so tired."

"Same here," said Rick.

"Y/N, you can go to bed any time you want. The bed you can stay in is at the back of the house, I'll crash on the couch. I'm so sorry about how all of this has went. I really wanted to give you a nice night. I hope I can make it up to you another day, if I haven't scared you off completely," said Johnny, and he smiled a little sadly.

There was one way he could give Y/N a nice night. "You can have the bed," she said. "You've had to put up with a lot tonight, you must be exhausted."

"No, I'd never make the guest sleep on the sofa," said Johnny softly. "Especially not one as lovely as you."

Butterflies fluttered inside Y/N's body. What did he mean by lovely? Lovely looking? Or just lovely? The thought of Johnny seeing her as either one made her heart full.

"Well, you must share it with me, then, at least," Y/N insisted. "We could even sleep at different ends if you'd like."

Johnny gave a small smile. "Is that what you'd like?"

What Y/N liked was for Johnny to agree and just get in the bed, already. Any other man in the country wouldn't have had to be asked twice. But, then again, that was what made Johnny so desirable to Y/N. He wasn't desperate, he was respectful, and she never knew what was going on inside his head. "What I'd like is for you to get a good night's rest," she said.

"Take up the offer, Johnny, or I will," said Rick.
Johnny smiled and rolled his eyes. "If you insist, Y/N."

Yes, Y/N thought, just the way I wanted the conversation to end.

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