Welcome Home

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Johnny's driver swerved round a sharp corner into a backroad, and the car that was chasing them sped on ahead, having no time to follow their move. Y/N was thrust to the side with the turn, and into Johnny. He clutched her shoulders, steadying her, and she turned to look at him. For a moment, her eyes met his deep, brown, soulful ones, before she averted them in awkwardness.

"That should throw them off our scent," said the driver.


For the remainder of the drive, everyone sat in silence, breathing quite heavily. Y/N was secretly calming down from the shock, but based on Johnny and his driver's unbothered expressions, paparazzi chases were a usual occurrence for them.

"We're here," said Johnny quietly to Y/N as they pulled into a large, spacious parking lot, and spared her a small, reassuring smile. "I'll get your door for you."

Y/N was about to say there was no need, but he had already left the car.

Johnny let Y/N out and put his hand lightly on her back, leading her towards a nondescript block of apartments. She walked slowly to prolong the moment—she liked the feel of his touch.

Inside, it was very old Hollywood-esque, dark with expensive couches, chairs, tables, pictures, and lights furnishing the front room. Y/N tiptoed in, unsure of what to do or where to go. Johnny took her hand and led her to one of the dark leather couches. She perched uncomfortably on the edge, pulling her little black dress down so that it didn't rise, and removing her long matching gloves, placing them on the coffee table.

"Please make yourself comfortable," Johnny said to Y/N, noticing her shyness and hovering worriedly above her. "Can I get you anything?"

Y/N's heart melted. Johnny seemed a gentleman, but she was just in such a strange situation that she couldn't settle down. "Um, no thank you, I'm okay."

"You sure?"

Y/N nodded.

"What kind of music do you like?" he asked, walking towards a large wooden record player in the corner of the room.

Y/N did like classical music, but she'd overheard at the dinner that Johnny was into alternative rock, and she didn't want him to look down on her music taste. "Why don't you show me what music you like?" she asked, bouncing the conversation back onto him.

"Because I'm interested in you," said Johnny. "You don't give much away."

Johnny's driver flopped down on the couch beside Y/N, and looked at her long legs. "Not to be disrespectful, but she's giving a lot a way."

Y/N pulled her dress even further down her thighs, and began to regret agreeing to enter a stranger's apartment with two strange men she'd never met. She thought she knew Johnny well enough from the media and mutual friends, but did she really?

"Well, it is disrespectful, Rick," said Johnny, and Y/N noted his driver's name. At least there was one man in the room that wasn't going to discuss her body...although, he was the only one she wouldn't mind doing it. Either way, though Y/N wanted out of the conversation. She wasn't attracted to Rick in the slightest.

Startling the three of them, the door rang. Saved by the bell.

Rick and Johnny exchanged unsure glances.

"You weren't expecting anyone, were you?" asked Johnny.

"No," said Rick nervously, getting up and edging towards the front door. He peered through the keyhole, and then sighed. It was neither one of displeasure or relief. "It's Claire."

Then Johnny sighed, and his was one of displeasure. "Let her in."

When the door unlatched, a woman, in the arms of a man, fell inside.

Her stomach was covered in blood.


Question: What do you think has happened to the woman?

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