Jeepers Peepers

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Y/N almost wanted to pretend not to notice, and continue changing in the most attractive manner she could, but she couldn't properly see who the eyes belonged to and...what if it was Rick watching her and not Johnny? Or worse, what if paparazzi had snuck in?

Her heart racing with panic, she threw Johnny's shirt on as quickly as she could and dashed to the door.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw who was standing outside.

It was just Johnny.

"I'm so sorry," he said. "I-I didn't mean to intrude. I just wanted to ask if you needed a toothbrush."

Y/N smiled internally. She had already found a toothbrush. Then, she frowned internally and externally. Poor Johnny was panicking over the fact that she'd caught him spying. There was no need to feel bad—she was relieved it was him, and secretly glad that he was attracted to her. was still bad and invasive, and if it would have been anyone else spying on her, she would've been out of that apartment and on the phone to the police in a second.

But it wasn't anyone else. It was Johnny, and she just couldn't help being happy about it.

"That's not why you were really spying, was it?" she said with a smile. "But I'm okay with that."

"You are?" asked Johnny.

"Yes," Y/N whispered. "Anyway, I'm off to bed, now. It's that way, right?" She pointed in the direction of the back of the apartment. Playing situations off cool and leaving the other person in shock seemed to be her special talent.

"Yeah," said Johnny.

Y/N found her way there. The bed was single, and that made her a little more nervous and excited. She and Johnny would have to be really close to each other.

She slipped in, lying close to the edge in fear of taking up too much room when Johnny arrived.

Then, he did arrive. He silently climbed in, and Y/N faced away, holding her breath. She thought Johnny must have been being careful not to touch her skin as she couldn't feel him at all, until his hand brushed against her back. Feeling confident, she shifted a bit closer to him, and then felt his hand edge closer, around her waist. Still holding her breath, she was afraid to breathe out in case Johnny decided to retract his arm. This close to him, she could almost smell him like she had earlier, but this time, it was a fresh scent of deodorant and mint.

"Goodnight, beautiful," Johnny whispered.

Y/N had to breathe out then—she couldn't contain it. So, earlier he did mean she was beautiful, not the movie. That word felt so good to hear from him.

She had been called beautiful by hundreds of thousands of men around the world, but none of the times meant a thing to her apart from when it was Johnny saying it.

"Goodnight," she breathed, closing her eyes.

In Deep With Depp (Johnny Depp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now