New Dawn

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Rays of morning light broke Y/N out of her sleep, and she rolled over to face the darker side of the room. When she did that, however, she bumped into something soft and warm.
Then she remembered.

She had slept beside Johnny Depp.

Although she knew it was real—she remembered his look, his touch—she still wanted to make sure it wasn't a dream, because it sure felt like one. She squinted her eyes open and blinked, adjusting to the light, and then...she jumped back.

It wasn't Johnny beside her.

It was Rick.

And he was awake, staring at her.

"What are you doing?" she asked, flustered, and sat up against the headboard.

Rick smiled under his beard. "Watching you."

Y/N couldn't believe he was admitting this without caring about how creepy he sounded. "Why?" she said, bewildered.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" Rick seemed to be attempting to pull off some kind of sexy scenario, but it was just unsettling. Y/N assumed he had been watching too many romance movies. "I mean, look at you. You look even better when you just wake up with no makeup on than if you spent hours in a dressing room," he continued.

Y/N laughed awkwardly. "Thanks..." she mumbled, edging off the bed. "So...where did Johnny go?" she said, changing the subject. Rick seemed to be the closest person Johnny had, and she assumed he would be sticking around, so she didn't want to make things awkward by kicking up a fuss about what Rick had just done.

"He's gone to the shops, apparently, to get you a change of clothes and whatnot," said Rick. "He usually gets his assistant to do all that kinda stuff, but it's Sunday today, her day off." he explained.

Her day off. Y/N hoped she wouldn't have competition with this assistant. She already imagined her to be energetic and beautiful, dancing around, running all of Johnny's errands, her skirt flowing behind her.

No. Y/N wasn't going to think like that. Surely if Johnny and his assistant had any kind of potential together, it would've happened already. And, anyway, if Johnny liked his assistant, surely he wouldn't have invited Y/N to stay round. Unless he did like his assistant and he wanted a distraction because she didn't like him back...? Y/N shook her head. She was definitely overthinking it.

Y/N clenched her teeth. Even if she did have competition, she'd always be the winner.

The sound of the front door unlatching startled Y/N—she was used to being on guard for paparazzi and intruders.

But it was just Johnny. "Hello?" he called.

Phew. Finally Y/N could get away from Rick.

She got into her seductive headspace and slinked out into the front room to greet Johnny. "Hi," she said.

Johnny took in her appearance, from her hair, unwashed but still glossy, to her long, model legs peeking out from under his shirt. "You look gorgeous," he said.

Y/N looked him in the eye and smiled, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering. "Thank you." She hoped there would be more compliments to come from him in the future—she knew she'd never get used to the feeling of them.

"I got you some things," Johnny said, placing the bag he was holding on the coffee table and beginning to pull each item out. "I didn't quite know what you like to wear, but you had a dress on yesterday, so I thought that was the safest option." He presented her with a longish, flowy white dress with beautiful bell sleeves. The man had taste! "I also got you some underwear and a pair of flat shoes since I doubt you wanna go walking around in heels again all day. And in case you ever wanted to stay here again...your own toothbrush."

Y/N laughed, but Johnny didn't know why. "Thank you so much!" she cooed. "The things you chose are perfect. Really. You know me better than I know myself!"

Johnny laughed. "Again, don't flatter me. You can change into the clothes whenever you like...and I promise I won't look this time. I'm really sorry about that."

"I told you. It's fine. I actually...kind of liked it. But don't go around doing it to other girls, though, I'm only speaking for myself." Y/N laughed.

"Trust me, I won't. I wouldn't want to. You're the only one I'd want to see," said Johnny softly.

They stared at each other for a moment, but before Y/N had the chance to respond, her phone began to ping repeatedly in her pocket. She pulled it out and read a string of texts from her manager.

LACIE: Are you there? Respond to me ASAP
LACIE: I don't know if you've already seen but some photos of you have been leaked to the media
LACIE: Don't worry about it though, just give me a day and I'll have it under control for you

Y/N's heart completely dropped.

What on Earth could it be? She thought back, but there was nothing inappropriate she'd done that the media could hold against her. Perhaps she had been mistaken her for another person.

There was a file attached to the messages, and as she pressed 'open', she closed her eyes and hoped as hard as she could for the best. She imagined opening it and seeing an image of someone else.

But it wasn't.

It was a folder of photos taken by paparazzi of her...through the window of Rick's bathroom...nude.

In Deep With Depp (Johnny Depp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now