Bleeding Out

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Johnny's expression fell from annoyance to pure fear. He flew over to join Rick and the unknown woman and man at the door. "Claire! What happened?"

"She's been stabbed," said the man urgently.

"By who? God, don't you protect her?" yelled Johnny, lifting the girl's other side and helping to transfer her to the couch.

Y/N's mouth sat open in shock, and her heart was racing. What had she gotten herself into? She stood up to allow the others the biggest sofa.

"You know what she's like!" the man argued. "I can't control her! I can't control what she does! She gets herself into these situations I have no idea about, then I'm driving down this road and see her just lying there, stabbed in the stomach, like an idiot!"

"Don't talk about her like that," Johnny snapped. "She's not an idiot, she's been hurt."

Rick was on the phone in the background, speaking to emergency services. "She's still bleeding...Shelby Street..." Y/N heard him say.

What on Earth was going on? How had this all happened so fast? Y/N had to look away from the blood. It was making her queasy. Although she felt terrible for this poor girl, lying there on the sofa, bleeding out, she couldn't help but think of herself first.

Now the attention was away from her. Johnny was all over this girl, not thinking of Y/N in the slightest. Only a moment before, he'd been focused on Y/N only.

Standing there like a lemon, she felt like she shouldn't be in the apartment at all. She had no idea who these people were, and felt like she was intruding. Once again, she began to regret saying yes to Johnny's offer to come home with him.

Johnny was tightening his suit jacket around the girl's waist, whose name Y/N supposed was Claire.

The unknown man grasped the suit jacket. "Wait, shouldn't we stick something in the wound? To stop the bleeding?" he asked.

"No." Johnny shooed his hands out of the way. "We'll just use this and wait for the ambulance. Couldn't you have wrapped something around her when you found her on the street? She's already bled so much!"

"And what would I have used? My t-shirt? It's freezing out there!" said the man.

"So?" shouted Johnny. "She's been stabbed!"


Only five minutes later, sirens blared in the car park of the apartment, and paramedics and police officers burst inside. They began to tend to Claire, and Johnny knelt at her side, murmuring comforting words to her the entire time.

Y/N stared on, in shock, and Rick joined her. "The woman is Johnny's ex," he informed her. "And the man is her new partner."


Question: What's your opinion on Claire and her boyfriend?

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