Keep It Hushed

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Y/N stood there, gawking.

Johnny spoke, and his voice was soft. "I haven't had the chance to tell you that I saw your new movie. You were really good in it. Beautiful."

Y/N laughed in disbelief. What did he mean by beautiful? The movie itself or...her? "Thank you so much," she replied.

"Why didn't you sit near me?" He asked, stepping closer. "I smiled at you."

Butterflies circled Y/N's stomach, and she backed up into the wall. "I-I just sat by my friends."

"We could be friends," said Johnny, and he started to lean into her.

Against the wall, Y/N had nowhere to move. She stood very still, feeling his soft breath on her skin. "You don't even know me," she whispered.

"But I want to," said Johnny quietly.
Then, someone began to walk up the stairs towards the toilets. Johnny backed away and retreated into the men's room.

Y/N was left standing in disbelief. What on Earth had just happened? She liked whatever had just happened, but she couldn't believe it did.

In a daze, she walked back down to her table and continued the night. Over the course of it, she met eyes with Johnny across the table, but he didn't give anything away. He was quiet and polite to everyone around him, but Y/N had no idea what was going on in his mind.

At the end of the night, most of the guests stood outside awaiting their chauffeurs. That was when Johnny approached Y/N.

"I have a spare seat in my ride," he said quietly.
A few women seemed to be watching them, as if they were envious of Johnny's gravitation towards Y/N. She glanced around. Her driver hadn't arrived, yet. She decided on a whim that she'd call her driver and tell him she'd already found someone to take her home.

"Would it be okay if I take that seat?" asked Y/N seductively.

"It was reserved for you, anyway, ma'am," said Johnny with a smirk.


Question: Is it a good decision for Y/N to get in Johnny's car?

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