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As the night hours passed on, Rick, Johnny, and Y/N grew more tired. They had spoken casually of a few subjects: movies they had starred in, celebrity mutual friends, activities in Hollywood...but, soon enough, Rick padded off to his own bedroom, and Johnny and Y/N were left alone.

It was awkward, but Y/N was glad it was finally just him and her.

They sat in silence for a minute or so, until Johnny cleared his throat and said, "I suppose I'd better go to bed, too."

Although Y/N was nervous, acting was her job, and she specified in seductive roles, so playing it off cool and gazing up at Johnny with her sultry eyes wasn't a difficult task for her. "I'm not that tired, but if you're going to bed, then I will," she said. "I still have a lot of energy. I could stay up for hours..." she added in a tempting voice. That part was a lie.

Y/N knew what she was doing. She had a false reputation for sleeping around with men, probably because people often mixed her movie characters with her real personality, but, not that there was anything wrong with doing that, it just wasn't the way she chose to live. She found that the way to make the men she wanted crave her more was to give them an idea of what they could have, and keep them chasing it. She was planting an idea in Johnny's head during that moment, and, based on the flustered expression on his face, it seemed to be working.

"Well, if you spent any more time with me, I think I'd tire you out," Johnny replied with a guilty laugh.

Many may have looked down on Y/N's tactics, and called them 'playing games', but she was a good competitor, and it sounded as if Johnny would make a sufficient teammate, too.
She wouldn't actually do anything...intimate...with Johnny just yet, though. Not even for a long time. She had to keep him waiting for that.

Y/N sighed and stood up. "I must ask you where the bathroom is. I'm going to start getting ready to go to sleep. Or, at least try to sleep."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I hope you haven't been needing to use it. Come on, I'll show you."

Johnny led Y/N to the bathroom. It wasn't too fancy, but neither was the rest of the apartment. After all, it was Rick's, not Johnny's.

All of a sudden, Y/N remembered she had no spare clothes to sleep in. She could play the ultimate tease and sleep bare beside Johnny, but she decided not to go that far. And anyway, she wasn't one hundred percent sure Johnny would be okay with that, and, despite her teasing ways, she was a respectful woman, and wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I hate to ask, but do you have anything I could change into?" she asked shyly.

"Oh, yes, I'm so sorry, I should've sorted you something out earlier," said Johnny, still standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Here, have my shirt. It'll be long on you."

Y/N watched as Johnny pulled his shirt over his head and handed it to her. She liked the way he looked underneath.

"Thank you," she said, before smiling at Johnny and pushing the bathroom door shut.
She really didn't want her breath to smell as bad as Rick's beard, so she looked around for a sign of toothpaste.

Bingo. She found three small cups labelled Rick, Johnny, and Claire. Rick's and Johnny's contained both a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush, but, to Y/N's relief, Claire's was empty. She supposed it was leftover from when Claire used to stay round.

Y/N could use her finger to brush her teeth, but she told herself that really wouldn't do the job, so she reached for Johnny's toothbrush and applied a layer of paste onto the bristles.

Well...who was she kidding? Her finger would've worked perfectly, but she just wanted to share Johnny's!

After her teeth were thoroughly cleaned, she began to change into Johnny's shirt, which, luckily wasn't the blood-stained one he'd worn earlier on that night. She slipped off her silky dress and gazed at her figure in the bathroom mirror.

Then, she squinted.

In the mirror, she could see behind her.

The door was ajar, and a pair of peeking eyes stared through the gap.

In Deep With Depp (Johnny Depp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now