Speed Limit

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As Y/N slipped inside of the car, her heart was racing. On the outside, though, she had to keep it under control. She had a reputation of being the mysterious and seductive in-demand actor of Hollywood which she had to maintain.

She couldn't get too ahead of herself, though. The reason Johnny had invited her into his car was unknown. Perhaps he had just seen her waiting for her cab for the last ten minutes and just assumed it wasn't showing up...or, maybe he thought she was an easy lay.

Y/N did have a reputation of being sexy, but to the tabloids disbelief, she was actually still a virgin. She liked to think of herself as a tease.

"So, where abouts do you live?" Johnny asked in his raspy voice.

"Showdon Way," said Y/N.

Johnny's driver was listening, and he nodded.
Before the car started, Johnny himself reached over Y/N and buckled her seatbelt. In Y/N's opinion, he lingered over her a moment more than he needed to, and she embraced the moment, taking in his scent of alcohol.

Outside, it was pitch darkness, but the car soon became illuminated by a bright light edging up from behind them. Johnny's driver looked over his shoulder and out of the back window, and so did Johnny and Y/N. Beams of headlights shone them down, seeming to follow them on the roads.

"It's the pap," said the driver, pressing his foot down on the accelerator, and Y/N went crashing back into her seat. Her heart jumped a mile, and she hoped Johnny didn't see—it was quite embarrassing.

The car behind them sped up, too, and Johnny wrapped his hand tightly around Y/N's upper arm. She was confused and scared about what was going on—who was behind them and why they were racing away—but she couldn't help focusing on the fact that Johnny was touching her.

"We're going to my place," the driver said, eyeing Johnny concernedly in the rear view mirror.

Johnny turned to Y/N. "Is that okay with you?"
"What? I don't know what's going on," said Y/N, her voice wobbling. Keep it together, she told herself.

"The paparazzi are after us. We can't go back to my place in case they follow us to it, because I'd probably end up having to move out, and your neighbourhood is too far for a car chase, it wouldn't be safe," Johnny explainer. "Do you mind coming back to my driver's apartment?"

Y/N had never really done anything like that before, but she couldn't let Johnny think she was an innocent, scared little girl. So she braved it. "Yeah...yeah, that would be fine."


Question: Is it a good decision for Y/N to go back to Johnny's driver's place?

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