Twist of Fate

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The little hope Y/N had for any spark between her and Johnny extinguished in that moment.

He had sat there comforting his ex, on the verge of tears at the fact that she was hurt.

But, then again, maybe he was just a good person, and didn't want to see anyone hurt, whether it was his ex or not. Not all relationships ended on bad terms...that was just in Y/N's own personal experience.

Seeing Y/N look so unhappy, probably assuming it was due to seeing a person dying instead of the fact that she didn't have a chance with Johnny, Rick put his arm around her shoulders. She leaned slightly away, trying not to inhale his odour. His beard looked as if it was filled with crumbs and dried, crusty drinks around the mouth part, and he had very noticeable sweat stains under his armpits, which were probably rubbing off on Y/N's dress.

"Don't worry about it, darling, she'll be all right," said Rick. "The girl is crazy. She pulls these stunts all the time, probably as some twisted kinda way to get attention from Johnny."

Well, that caught Y/N's attention. Surely, if Claire was the one trying to get Johnny's attention, that meant she was the one chasing him, not the other way round. Maybe his mind wasn't so set on his ex, after all. Maybe Y/N did have a chance.

"Why doesn't he give her attention, anyway?" Y/N asked Rick, quiet enough for Johnny not to hear over the voices of the paramedics and police officers he was talking to. "Why does she have to pull stunts for him to notice her?"

"Well, can you take a wild guess?" said Rick. "I told you, she's crazy, and Johnny learned that while he was in a relationship with her. He wants nothing to do with her now, but I guess he's just a good guy and doesn't want her to die, regardless."

Y/N's heart lifted. That was all she wanted to hear. "But, earlier I thought you said he cries over her every night."

Rick laughed. "That was just a joke, darling. Well. Mostly. Sometimes he cries because of the impact she's had on him. Like, he has a few trust issues and stuff, now. But he never cries because he misses her, for God's sake." He laughed again.

Even standing in a room full of paramedics helping a girl in critical condition, all Y/N felt was delight.

The coast was clear. Y/N had a chance to make her way into Johnny's life and sweep him off his feet, all while she had almost every other man on the planet at hers.

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