Inspector Fool

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Johnny must've seen Y/N's face drop, because he said, "What's wrong?"

This was absolutely humiliating to Y/N. She was being exposed so vulnerably, and she dreaded to think of the comments people must've already been writing online about the photos. She shut her phone, unable to bear looking at them any longer.

"Last night...when I was in the bathroom...someone took pictures of me," Y/N whispered in a daze.

Johnny took her hands. "What do you mean?"

"Someone took pictures of me through the window and posted them online."

Johnny's face was scared. "What? What kind of photos?"

"Nude ones." Y/N gulped.

Johnny's voice became raised with anger. "What, was it paparazzi? Or just some sicko?"

"I don't know," said Y/N, tears filling her eyes.

"Don't cry," Johnny commanded. "How bad are the photos? Well...I'm sure none of them are bad, but you know what I mean. How clear are they? What were you doing in them?"

Y/N almost wanted to smile at that, but she was still too distraught. "They're taken from quite far back outside, but they're still pretty clear. And I was just standing there in them."

"Right," said Johnny. "I'm talking to the police today about the situation with my ex, so I'll tell them about this. I'll find the pervert who took those pictures, and every one of the people who posted them online, I mean it."

"They'll still be on the internet forever," said Y/N sniffing. "You don't understand, this is all people have wanted of me for years. To see me naked. And now they've got it."

Johnny put his arm around Y/N's waist and sat her down. "Don't give them any power," he said. "What you were doing in those photos wasn't inappropriate. Your body isn't wrongthey're wrong. Some people do nude photoshoots or nude scenes in movies, and they embrace it." He held her hands. "Can you do that?"

Y/N swallowed and sniffed again. "I'll try."

"Good girl." Johnny moved his head towards Y/N's, and kissed the top of it.

Johnny really did know how to comfort someone. Although Y/N was still so unsettled by the situation, she felt a lot better after listening to his advice. It also helped that he was the person whose opinion mattered most to Y/N, and he didn't seem to see her any differently after what had happened. Well, why should he?

They hovered in silence for a few bittersweet moments, before Johnny's phone began to ring. Once the call had ended, he said to Y/N, "That was the police. They're coming round now. They wanna speak to you about what you saw yesterday, as well, and that'll give you a chance to bring up the nude photos."


While Y/N was waiting for the police to arrive, she got herself ready, this time closing all the curtains and turning off all the lights while changing her clothes for safe measures. She got back into the dress she'd worn the day before, and as she made her way back into the living room, the police knocked at the front door.


In the front room Y/N and Johnny sat on one couch, and two officers sat down on another.
"So, what do you know about Claire's relationship with her current boyfriend—Andrew? You can start with telling us your first impressions, what they like to do together, how well they seem to get along from an outside perspective..." Officer Gus said Johnny, directing his question to Johnny.

"Um...I believe they met at an after party Claire attended for one of her runway shows," Johnny started. "I know Andrew's into racing motorcycles, and Claire goes along with him, usually riding, too. But, apart from that, the only mutual interest I know they have with each other is drugs. They're always doing them. Although Claire still did a lot of them while she was in a relationship with me, Andrew's been a big influence, and now it's a nightly occurrence, from what I've seen. As for how well they get along...I couldn't be sure, but I'd say it's not too well. The amount of times Claire, or, on occasion, even Andrew, have called me in hysterics about an argument they've had is...a lot."

As Johnny was saying all of it, the police were jotting down points in their notebooks.
"Right," said Officer Noel. "Now onto last night. You were there, too, weren't you, Miss Y/L/N?"

Y/N nodded.

"Can the both of you tell us how it went?" he asked.

Johnny spoke again. "Well, I'm sat here in my driver, Rick's, apartment with him and Y/N, when all of a sudden there's a banging on the door. Rick opens it, and Andrew bursts in, holding Claire, and she's bleeding from her stomach. Of course, I start helping her, tying my jacket around the wound, and Rick calls the police..."

"Can you tell us anything about what was being said at the time?" Officer Noel interrupted.
"Sure," said Johnny. "I remember I asked Andrew why he wouldn't tie something around her wound before he carried her here, and he said something stupid about not wanting to take his shirt off outside because it was cold."

The two policemen nodded and looked at each other.

"I'd really like to thank you for this information, Mr Depp," said Officer Gus. "I feel it's important to tell you that this is now a domestic abuse case that we're investigating between Claire and Andrew, and we're going to need all the help you can provide us."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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