chapter 10.

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⸻ [ 章 10 ] 。
the trust. ❜



I couldn't sleep. The evening passed quickly on rolling in the soft sheets. It was impossible to find the best position. When the night fell, and the sky shone with stars, a white glow was slightly pouring into the room.


The man was nowhere to be found, which suited me perfectly. I left the room quickly, and ran quietly downstairs, in case Jungwon would mysteriously appear in front of me.


I pulled on the exit door handle, and it was open. I slid out of the house, and froze. I could finally watch the beauty of the night, without any barriers. It was all above me. So wonderful, and unique.


I walked straight ahead, staring at the sky. The moon was full, and the stars shone just as brightly as never. As if they were saying hello to me. They just couldn't wait for someone to adore them.


And suddenly, I stopped, as I heard a soft growl in front of me, what made me look that way. The moon perfectly illuminated the yard, so I could see two huge, black dogs in front of me.


Terrified, I stood still. I didn't know what to do. If I move, they will attack me, but if I won't do anything, I can also die. The dogs' eyes were almost glowing red, and the white of their fangs reflected night, star light.


Was this my end? Why that fucking man didn't tell me he had such dangerous animals?


Suddenly, those two beasts rushed towards me with a sound of rage. Paralyzed with fear, I closed my eyes, waiting for the end.


They will definietly tear me into little pieces. I expected pain, like I had never experienced, but.. nothing like that happened.


Soft squeaks were heard under my feet, so I hesitantly opened my eyes. The dogs sat politely in front of me, gently tilting their heads, and impatiently shuffling their feet to approach me. I looked at them in surprise, and stuck out my hand uncertainly.

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