chapter 21.

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⸻ [ 章 21 ] 。
our evening. ❜


I woke up even though it was hard. It was the first time in my life when I got that much of sleep. I stretched on the bed, certain I would be alone. What was my surprise, when I turned around, and lay face to face with Jungwon, "Good morning, angel." he smiled gently.

I wanted to say something, but I remembered it's morning, and that I just got up. I covered my mouth with my hand, and took my face away from the boy. I felt uncomfortable without my teeth brushed, especially since Jungwon was already dressed, and refreshed after the night.

The man took his hand from my waist, and let me go out of the bed. I smiled at the boy in complete shock. I didn't know he was gonna be still home in the morning. "What are you doing here?" I asked, as I gathered my things to go to bathrooms, "Aren't you happy?" he ignored my question.

"I am happy." I said instinctively, and grabbed my lips. I didn't want to say it out loud.

"I know I shouldn't, but I've heard your thoughts," he sighed, getting to his feet, and I stopped in mid-step. "That's why I decided to stay, and spend some time with you." I felt a hand on my shoulder. How did he get so quickly next to me? He definitely wasn't a human.

"Would you mind if we invite my brothers tomorrow, and we'll do a grill or something?" he asked gently, "No, you can invite them whenever you want. It's your home." I muttered moving forward.

"But I would like to invite them as us, not just me. After all, now, it's our home." he said, before I closed the bathroom door.

When I went into the shower cabine, I put my back against it, and made an effort soothe my palpitations. What's going on here? Why was he like this? I tried not to show him that it really moved me, and I wished it would always be this way. As if there really was a feeling between us that will never be.

I didn't know why, but I felt that this was the moment of my doom. Finally, I started to go with a thought of wanting to live with him. I knew it was bad, and forbidden, but if I'm gonna spend my whole life here, with this man, what am I suppose to do..?

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