chapter 14.

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⸻ [ 章 14 ] 。
only mine. ❜
( +15 ! )



Have you ever been afraid of something so much, that you felt your whole body twisted with pain, and took your breath away? Well, this was where I was now. Jungwon regarded his brother enviously. As if he wanted to kill him. Here. Now.


"You know, you have no right to touch her." the man hissed, and a bolt of lightning came from behind the windows, hitting nearby.


It was so sudden and unexpected, that I jumped up almost screeching out of horror. I felt that I was not where I should be right now. I was only a human, and I appeared in the midst of a divine fight.


"You're having a hard time with her, you can't control her." Jake muttered back, avoiding Jungwon's piercing gaze,  "You know too little to comment on the matter." the youmger did a step towards me.


I looked at both brothers with my eyes jumping over them. They were terrifying. But I was most afraid of Jungwon. He was the ruler of this fight. Designated winner in advance.


"Angel, come to me," the brunette didn't even take his eyes off the older brother. I looked uncertainly at them, feeling scared, "You can stay with me if you want.." Jake said quickly, lowering his voice at the end. 


I didn't know if I was doing right or wrong. However, I nevertheless set off towards my demon. Paralyzed with fear, I gently treaded the floor. As if a more powerful movement would cause them to attack me and kill me.


"Don't forget who I am," Jungwon grabbed my hand, and covered me with his body. "You have no right to approach her, and tempt her. She is mine. Only mine." he hissed, clunching his jaw.


Unpleasant and cold shivers ran down my spine through the heavy atmosphere. A real storm broke out outside, and I squeezed burnette's hand, feeling anxious.


"Sorry wonie.. Yeah, you're right." Jake lost to his upset brother, "I think I drank too much." he muttered remorsefully.

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