chapter 33.

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⸻ [ 章 33 ] 。
the lost souls. ❜



I haven't been able to calm down since I woke up. My body was going through spasms of shivering. I couldn't keep warm even though I was sitting in Jungwon's thickest hoodie and under the blanket.


It all scared me, and I wasn't sure if I was out of your mind. Maybe it's a trick from Satan? Maybe just sick delusions? What if it was true? What if the brunette really gave his soul for me?


Suddenly, I heard the sound of the apartment door's closing. I immediately pushed my thoughts away, aware of Jungwon hearing them. The fallen son walked into the apartment, and noticed me shaking on the couch. In addition, my cheeks still had traces of uncontrolled tears.


Jungwon quickly sat down next to me, and pulled me to his body. Slowly, his warmth passed over me, letting my tense and tired muscles relax.


"Hey angel.. what happened?" he asked softly, kissing the top of my head, "I-.. I had a bad dream." I replied, cuddling tighter against his body. I felt safe with him. "I'm sorry I wasn't here with you.." he whispered, gently rubbing my back. "The important thing is that you are here." I muttered, and looked into his dark eyes.


"I love you, angel.." he smiled broadly, showing his dimples, with his eyes sparkling. I smiled back, and nestled against his body again. I couldn't believe how happy I was. No sins mattered, only that I was with him. "I love you too." I answered softly, and looked up.


Jungwon lowered himself a little. Our noses touched each other, and the brunette rubbed his sweetly against mine, smiling cutely.


"Is anything else bothering you, angel?" Jungwon asked softly, while laying us on the couch. I cuddled to his chest, as the boy put his arm around me, "Well.. there is something."


"Hmm?" he murmured silently, as he started to stroke my hair gently, "It's about those lost souls that were following me." 

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