Meeting it

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that's all you felt for a very long time.
Not having anyone by your side to depend on. Always being my yourself, that's what you went through for most of your life. Without the love from a real family you became numb, quiet, depressed. You needed an escape, and that escape was not a drug or alcohol. It was anime, it made you feel the emotions you couldn't feel in real life. The Immediate euphoria you felt, like you were high on cloud 9. You wouldn't give it up for the world...
You were sitting on your bed rewatching one of your favorite animes. It was a Sunday night and you were dreading school tomorrow. A sad scene came up in the anime you were watching and you started to tear up a little. "Why do all the hot characters have so much trauma"...You were full-blown sobbing in the span of a few seconds. "NOOOOOO, not my poor sunshine boy, he didn't deserve that!"As you continued to scream at your computer you didn't hear the sound of your auntie coming in. She could hear you screaming but it was just a normal thing now. Sometimes you had a full-blown conversation up in your room. You spoke more in your room by yourself, than you have to her ever...

After your parents were murdered and you were almost put in foster care. You Aunt stepped in and took care of you. You loved her like a mom but you two had your fair share of fights.                  "(name)", your aunt yelled. "Come here right now"! You groaned loudly and threw your blanket on the floor. As soon as you closed your laptop, your (h/c) orbs went back to being dull and blank. Standing up slowly you strolled down the stairs to the kitchen see your fuming Aunt. She had your report card in her hand. "shit", you said under your breath. You had forgotten that report cards came out this week.  "Didn't I tell you to bring your grades up or I'm taking your laptop and phone away". She waved your report card filled with Cs and Ds around. Before slamming it flat on the kitchen counter. You didn't know what to say so you stood there silently, but that seemed to make her mad. She walked past you and made her way to your room. You followed behind her like some lost puppy silently praying that she wouldn't take your stuff.

She snatched the laptop off your bed and turned around. "You can get it back in two months if I'm feeling nice." You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at your floor. I'll just take it back when your sleeping, you thought.  "Oh and I have new locks on my door so don't even think about coming in my room, I know how lying you can be", she stated. "fuck", you whispered.

Your aunt sighed and then sat down on your bed, you being you, kind of got irritated at someone else sitting on your bed but you let it slide. "Listen (name), I know we haven't had the best connection ever since I adopted you but I want you to know I love you. And doing this", She pointed at your laptop. "hurts me more than it hurts you". You rolled your eyes unamused.

You decided to say something but before the words could even come out you heard the doorbell ring. It felt like your heart had dropped in your ass and you imminently regretted being born. Your Aunts eyes lit up like fireworks and she set your laptop down before quickly sprinting to the door. It was your aunt's boyfriend, and like all Cliches, he was a dick. Even when you were young he would do everything in his power to make you suffer. Like, set your hair on fire, throwing your toys away, and even locking you in a closet with the lights turned off.

You hated him and he knew you did, he was sadistic and not in a good way. As time went on you learned to ignore his attempts to make you suffer and instead focus on anime. Anime was really your only reason for not offing yourself already, of course, no one seems to know this or care. 










It was past midnight but you couldn't sleep perusal. But for once it wasn't because of Insomnia. It was because of the noises coming from the room across from yours. You were prepared to go to sleep early because tomorrow was Monday. You Aunt and her boy toy had other plans. You tried everything to help block out the noise but it just seemed like they kept getting louder. You internally threw up as you got a mental image.  You stood up from your bed and walked to the window. Opening it up as wide as possible. You sat on the window seal and thought about jumping.

You laughed at the thought and instead looked up at the night sky

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You laughed at the thought and instead looked up at the night sky. The moon seemed to have a red tint to it, but you didn't pay it any mind. You stared into the woods right in front of your house blocking it from getting any moonlight. It creeped you out, how tall the trees were. But you would never tell anyone that. It was quiet out, the only thing being heard was the reproducing rats next door. When you saw a shooting star you didn't believe your eyes at first. But you soon realized this was your one chance to leave this shitty world and move somewhere better. Like Attack on- just kidding. You were suicidal, not dumb.

You wished on disappearing from the life you had now and flying away to a faraway land. You knew it was foolish but you were desperate. Your (h/c) hair was flowing in the wind and the cold was getting the best of you.  You could feel your nose and fingertips freezing up. Deciding it was time to go in.

When you had closed the window you were blessed with peace and quiet. You were finally able to lay and your bed and close your eyes. Sadly you still have insomnia and that's not going away any time soon. "ugh", you groaned. You twisted and turned and almost fell out of your bed. laying face first in your pillows you thought that maybe you could suffocate yourself to sleep. Suddenly a loud band from the inside of your closet made you jerk up. "hello?" I swear if it's that stupid man whore my Aunt brings home I'm going to, your thoughts were abruptly stopped. Slowly coming out of your closet you saw a man that was probably twice your size. "P-P-PEDO"! you being you, tried to punch the man in the face Only to realize he was too tall even for you to reach his head.

"Calm down my child" a booming voice called out. You tripped and fell on the floor trying to run away,  right in front of the pedo man. "what the hell are you doing in my house" You tried to reach for something to throw, but you ended up picking up a hardcover book. You threw the book at the man only for gravity to fight back making the book land square on your face.

You passed out...

A/N: plz leave comments bc I have no friends 😃

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