"I don't want to lose my virginty yet!"

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At heavens Arena, two boys had just woken up from one of the best naps they ever had. The shorter of the two males stretched his arms patting the spot beside him. Only to find the girl he had taken a liken too was gone.

The slightly taller boy mumbled a few curses before turning to his friend.
"Do you know what time it baka!"
"(Y/N) is gone, she's not in the bed anymore!"

Killua looked around the room for any sign of the (h/c) haired girl. He didn't want to show he was worried so he just shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"Maybe she finally left", he Spoke slightly above a whisper. 
"I'm going to go look for her. She's my friend now and I have to protect her!"

Killua sighed before he started changing out his clothes into something more presentable. Gon slept in the same clothes he wore 24/7.. he just put on his cropped jacket and walked out the door.
The only thought he had in his head was.

"You won't be getting away from me again (Y/N), I'm the only person who can protect you".....
"L-Levi stop pushing so hard~"
"What the hell are you saying? Get in the damn room!" Levi shoves you into  a room with someone you knew from the show.

You were shoved into a small room. The walls were bricked and the floor wood. There was a small desk and chair in the back of the room. Their seated at the desk was a tall, buff blond man.

"Levi you told me that one of your cadets had broken into your room, are you sure it was them?"
"Yes, this brat was in my closet creeping in my stuff."

Your face heated up at the accusation.
The truth was you didn't even want to teleport here, it was technically Levi's fault for being so fine and making you think about him.

" I wasn't snooping! I just...was there."
"How does that answer anything?"
What do you want me to say! I suddenly teleported into your dusty ass closet and now I'm stuck with your angry ass! Your thoughts we're getting more and more violent as the two men talked.

"Erwin, I suggest that I keep an eye on them. They did sneak into my room so it should be my responsibility to watch them."
"I don't think that necessary."

You came out of your thought when you noticed the tense atmosphere. The two men seem to be having the most intense stare off known to man. Levi smirked before turning to you and saying...

"Hey stalker, how about you pick who you want to get punished by."

You being the dirty minded person you are though of all those Wattpad stories you read. Punishment always meant something "else". Without thinking you replied..

"I don't want to lose my virginity yet!"

A/N: sorry 😭

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