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Authors pov:

The (h/c) haired female looked around the room she had been teleported in. NOOOOOO, she yelled in her head. (Y/n) has been teleported into another closet. It was smaller than Levi's but more organized. When she stood up and patted herself down she was about to reach for the doorknob. But before she opened it she heard footsteps outside the door. No no no! They're already coming!

The door to the room (y/n) was in was suddenly opened revealing light and a blond-haired female known as Misa. You felt extremely lucky that there were slits on the door, you could see from. You peaked through the hole and could clearly see Light Yagami sitting on his bed and Misa sitting in a chair directly in front of the brown hair male.
At first, they stared at each other giving you second-hand embarrassment. It was so quiet you thought they could hear your breathing.
"How did you find me?" Light said.
Misa gasped before saying, "I knew it, you never made the shinigami eye deal. When you have the shinigami eye deal you can see most people's names and life spans. However, you cant see the lifespan of someone who has a death note." You sighed quietly, did she always talk this much...you thought.

Light looked up at his shinigami. Ruyk was very tall and skinny, he looked like he had severe scoliosis. But the fact that you could see him confused you. Maybe I'm a shinigami too! Yeah right like that would happen. You laughed at your thoughts. "Your kidding? I wasn't aware of that detail," Ryuk said clearly unbothered by the fact that he didn't know.

"Well, now you managed to find me. But you were careless what if you were caught by the police, they would know everything about Kira." Light said glaring at Misa.
Blah blah blah all he does is act like a know-it-all. L is better...

"It's all right. Because the police didn't catch me and will never be able to. so we are safe. After all don't you need someone to say Ls name?"  Misa must not be the smartest huh...you thought with a sweatdrop. You decided to look around the closet you were in and let the two kitties play fight without you listening. Oh is this a stash?... you looked up and saw a nasty magazine just sitting in the lights closet.  You reached your (s/c) arm up, you had to stand on your tippy-toes sadly. When you finally grabbed it you quickly pulled it down. The cover was of some random woman with a bathing suit on. You sat on the floor and got comfortable.  Before you could open the book you saw the outfit you were in, and quietly freaked out. I'm still in the stripper PJs what the hell !!! Your thoughts were running a mile a minute, scared that if someone saw you like this they would think you were some weirdo stalker that hid in Light's closet. (Y/n) breathe everything will be fine you are not some weirdo stalker....... 

You were able to calm yourself down before you exposed yourself to the two mass murders a few feet in front of you.

You laid against one of the walls in the closet, once again getting comfy. You slowly opened the magazine and were Disgusted when the pages were stuck together by some suspect substance. You kept flipping the pages frantically trying to find one normal page. I know he's at the age and is probably really stressed out from killing people all the time but GAWD DAYUM.

When you flipped the last page you were blessed with a clean one. The only downside being a spider....not just any spider, a tarantula. You were in shock for a good few seconds. "AHHHHHHHH!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Pushing the closet door open and falling out.

You locked eyes with the one and only Light Yagami. He was hugging Misa and smiling like a mad man. When he saw you his smile dropped and his eyes widened, you could feel the anger and fear radiating off of him. 


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