"What are you doing in my closet?"

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In your Dream:
You stood in an unknown area, you could only see about one foot in front of you because of the thick fog. "Hellooooo" you called for help. You could see the silhouette of someone walking closer to you.

Just then the fog instantly cleared revealing the stranger you met in your house a while ago.
"It's you!" You stared at him in shock. "What did you do to me!?" You were confused about how
he was able to teleport you into a whole new world.

"Heyyyy". He smiled at you and put his arms behind his head. "Why do you seem mad, I only gave you what you asked for".

You thought about what he said and agreed with him. It"s true you wanted to come to the Anime world but now that you are here what should you do? This isn't like the Wattpad stories where the MC is overpowered and changes the whole anime....right? (Wrong!)

You laughed at your thought before giving your attention to the taller man in front of you. "You never told me your name". You looked up at him with furrowed brows.

He smiled with a slight blush on his cheeks. "You can call me Rin...
A lot of time passed with you and Rin taking. He was actually a nice guy- God? You didn't know what he was exactly but it was unimportant to you. He told you that, him picking you out of everyone in the world to grant their wish was just a coincidence. Knowing that something had finally gone right in your life made you smile.

You suddenly remember that incident you had in the bathroom at the spider's base. He would know right, I mean... he should.

"So Rin, A while ago when I was in the bathroom. I teleported to another place. What's up with that?

He looked surprised but then smiled at you as if he was some proud dad.

"Usually it takes a few weeks before people can teleport. I guess your just that talented".

" Am I not the only one you that asked to be brought into the anime world"?

"Hahaha, you're funny! Of course not, there are over 1 million other people who wish to be here on a daily. Your just one in many."

Ouch.. well jeez that sure made me feel special and appreciated, you thought with a pout.

You grimaced at his words. "How can I freely teleport to other worlds", you asked biting the skin of your lip.


"You can't!"

You stared at him confused. "What do you mean I can't! I did it before."

"Well yeah, but you can't freely travel. You need a strong emotional connection to one of the characters you're trying to teleport to".

You thought about what he said before smiling. "Well, I guess I should try it out huh?"

"I don't know if that a good id-" you cut him off. "It's fineeeeee, I'm not going to get hurt or something like that."

He sighed before saying. "If you say so. But let me warn you, this isn't some dream where you can wake up and everything will be fine. If you die here by someone. You are actually dead, forever."

You got goosebumps from his words. You realized that going to Aot might not be the best idea...I mean first off, Levi is hot and all...like super hot. Oh my gosh, his eyes and hair it's just sooooo Amazing. And Eren is also hot but Levi is just something else completely. I wonder what he's doing right now. Would he be sleeping or is he awake on a mission? He's such a busy man...

You didn't notice that your thoughts were currently on the Anime you just said you weren't going to go to. You forgot that strong emotions are what caused you to travel and continued to think about Levi and the rest of the characters.

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