"Good night ...perv"

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As soon as Light saw you his smile dropped and he let go of Misa.

 "Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?!" He seemed angry, which you understood why. You had heard his whole conversation, and he knew this. You would use this power to get what you want. Smirking evilly, you stood up with your head held high and said, "Kira and Kira #2 I advise you to not touch me." Misa being the blond she is said, "light! Why do you have other females in your house! We just started dating and you already cheated?!"

Your sweat dropped hearing her speak. "First of all Light isn't my type. L is but not Light."
Before you could finish talking light rudely interrupted. "How do you know L?!"
You sighed before sitting on Lights bed. "I'm tired, you shouldn't treat guests like this."
"Your not a guest your an intruder and I'd advise you to leave before I hit a woman." You snorted and covered your mouth while laughing more. "Light, I think hitting is a woman is the least you could do after everyone you killed." He glared at you and clenched his fist.

Lights pov:
The stranger didn't even look at me, they just laid on MY bed with their eyes closed. I clenched my fist trying to contain myself, I could lose my cool in front of Misa. "Can you at least answer one of my questions?" The woman opened one of her eyes to look at me. "What's in it for me?" She said...
"I'll let you sleep in my room and won't bother you for the night." The (h/c) female smiled brightly, it was no doubt she was attractive but right now she's my enemy, she knows the way too much.  When she sat up I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. What type of sleepwear is that. Maybe she planned to seduce me. Hehehe I could turn her into one of my loyal subjects like Misa and use her as I please. I just need to find a way to do it. "Light my eyes are up here." The woman said while laughing. Misa looked extremely mad but right now it wasn't about her.

"Since you know about me being Kira do you plan to tell people?" I asked. I intended to kill her even if she didn't snitch. She was useless to my goal. "Ummm I don't know, I honestly just want to meet L." She said while looking around my room. "Hey, light! I wanted to ask you... why is that magazine in your closet so sticky?" The woman asked faking innocence. I blushed and turned to misa. She seemed confused, and that was good for me. "Never mind that! What do you want with L?!"
".... his babies"
My eyes widened, she liked L! That probably means she would tell L about me being Kira. She has to go..as soon as possible.
"Just kidding!... I think.."

I didn't believe you of course. "Misa I think it's time for you to go home. I'll escort you out." I said. 
"No light! I can't leave you with this woman. Who knows what she'll do to you!" I grabbed Misa's arm and pulled her out of my room and down the stairs. She was unsurprisingly weak and that made this Easy. "Misa listens, I'm going to kill her. I only need you, so you don't have to worry." I lied straight to her face.
She looked up at me worried before nodding. "Light I don't want you to date other girls okay? Because I will kill them!" I sighed before nodding yes. I closed the door and walked back to my room to find the stranger woman knocked out on my bed. My sweat dropped, she knew I was a murderer and still fell asleep on my bed. "I could do anything to you right now, why would you be so dumb?" I stood over her sleeping form staring at her features. Her soft, smooth (s/c) skin, and long lashes. She was by far the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Too bad, you had to die.

Your POV:

I could feel some staring at me in my sleep. I of course knew who it was and didn't feel like dying just yet so I said, "light you better not touch me." You could hear him gasping quietly. "So you were awake."
"No, but your hot breathe breathing down my neck woke me up," I said annoyed.
"Are you going to sleep or not?" I said.
"Why would I sleep on the same bed as you?" He replied with a smirk.
"Fine go sleep on the floor then," I said turning around.
Unknown to you, Light could see your underwear...

"...." He didn't say anything for a few minutes.
"On second thought I will sleep in my bed."
Light crawled into his bed and laid behind you.  
"Good night stranger." He said creepily.
You just want to seduce me but it's not going to work. I'm loyal to L.
"Yea...good night..perv"

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