Dont be madddd 🥹

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"You're looking more glum than usual, Megumi."  A slim thick women with green hair and glasses walked in front of you and the raven haired male. "Zen'in Senpai." Megumi said completely uninterested.

"Don't call me by my last name-" "MAKI MAKI!" Someone yelled from behind bushes.
"Uhh I'm not finished."
"You really don't know? Someone died in the team!" A random animal said.
Maki snapped her head around. "You should've told me sooner! Now I look like a heartless cold blooded demon!" Maki yelled at her squad.

"Who are those guys?" Nobara asked.
"Our second-year upperclassman." Megumi answered.

The second years started intruding themselves which you didn't pay attention to because you already knew them. When Panda started introducing ~Inumaki~ you couldn't contain your excitement. You pushed Megumi so hard he fell over and ran so fast no one seen you move.

You tackled the white haired cursed user. Causing You both to roll on the ground harshly, you placed your hands on the back of his head to ensure he didn't hurt himself. He was wide eyed while staring at you. " bonito flakes!?" He asked.
"why did I jump on you? Well, it cause I think your really cool. And I want to marry you!" You screamed in his face. Your eyes were sparkling in admiration and and your face was flushed.

A small blush formed on his face and he looked away bashfully.

He tired getting up but you didn't budge, clinging to him like your life depended on you. You heard footsteps coming from behind you. Arms wrapped around your waist tightly, trying to pull you off the older boy.

"You can't just tackle every dude you find mildly attractive!" Megumi yelled, pulling you harder. "Noooo! Let go," you hissed!
You pushed Inumki's head into your chest, protectively holding him. The white haired boy grabbed your wrist from around his head and pulled at them. Panda and Maki joined in and started pulling you too. You were practically glued to the second year. You were not coming off without a fight and it was obvious. Maki grabbed your legs that were wrapped around inumaki's waist and pulled them from around him.

"I'm sorry for attacking you. I promise I won't do it again."  You said with a bow. Megumi forced you to apologize and kept you glued to his side so you didn't go off doing something stupid.

Inumaki was still in shock and probably traumatized. "Tuna, mayo..." he said while not even looking at you.

"Okay let's get back on topic, the truth is we would like you three to participate in the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event." Maki said.

"What that?" Nobora whispered to Megumi. He stared at her dully as if she asked a stupid question.

"It's a get together with another Tech school in Kyoto." You laughed and smirked at Nobora. "Even I knew that. You should be embarrassed." You said cockily.

Noboras eyes snapped to you and she swung her arm to try and grab your hair. Luckily Megumi tall lanky body was in front and she ended up smacking him square in the face.

"Oops, my bad Megumi." She giggles nervously then looked straight like it never happened. Megumi sighed harshly and glared at you. "What? I'm not the one who slapped you!" He smacked the back of your head then turned back to pay attention to what his upperclassmen were saying. 

"Each year, the first day is team battles, and the second day is individual battles." Panda said.

I probably won't even be here long enough for me to participate in the event, can't have anything around here.

"This  is cool and all but I got to go.
So I'll see y'all later!" You we're about to sprint off when someone grabbed your shirt. "And where are you going? You do know your not trusted enough to just be freely walking around here right?" Of course it was Megumi.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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