"Yall gon kiss or what"

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A few hours after passing out...
You could hear the soft sounds of birds outside your window. Opening your eyes slowly, you could feel warmth surrounding your body. You struggled to open your eyes and see what was laying so close by you.
You felt hands tighten around your waist. And your face warmed at the feeling. "What the", you looked to the side of your bed and saw a lump under the covers. Black hair stuck out of the blanket and you slowly lifted it up.

The random boy cuddled closer to you, pushing their face into your neck and sighing

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The random boy cuddled closer to you, pushing their face into your neck and sighing. "WHAT THE HELLLLLLLL", you screamed and pushed the black-haired boy out of your bed. "Owww", he groaned and rubbed his head. Opening his eyes he stared at you unamused by your reaction. "What are you doing in my house!?" You turned around quickly looking for some sort of weapon to use against to stranger. Grabbing a lamp from your dresser, you point it at the boy. "I don't care how hot you are I will fight you". He slowly got up, lifting his shirt up to scratch his stomach. "We met yesterday, do you really not remember me"? He asked sounding disappointed.

You tried to jog your memory but it was blank. "So you call for me to help you but then don't even remember me? Maybe I should leave you here, in this world you hate so much." He smirked and raised an eyebrow. Your face heated and you scowled. "I won't ask again, who.are.you." He seemed to think about your question for a while before answering. "I guess you could call me your fairy godfather!" He spoke excitedly.

I didn't know there were crack heads in my neighborhood, you thought raising your eyebrows. He frowned and glared at you slightly as if he could read your thoughts. "On second thought, I don't think you deserve to go to another world". He said and started to walk back to your closet. "Wait! What do you mean another world". Your eyes were shining in a way that only happens when you watch anime. He stared at you before chuckling. "I was nice enough to come here from my home in the god realm. You don't understand how boring it gets in there." He sighed and sat down on your bed. You had lowered your "weapon" and were just watching him with naive hope. "It seems you were destined to die soon, so I decided why not put you in your own personal heaven". (if you don't believe in heaven then you can just ignore that)

You couldn't believe what he was saying. Should you really trust someone that was sleeping in your bed five minutes ago? You completely ignored what he said about you dying soon, not finding it important.  "Wait...heaven?" You we're confused because you always thought that after everything you saw, you would be going down under. He stared at you confused, "why do you seem so surprised"? He asked slightly amused. "I'm not surprised! I'm just taking in everything you're telling me that's all".

"I don't feel like explaining to you anymore", he began to lay down and pull your covers over his head. "Hey! Get up you bum!" You shook him violently but he still wouldn't budge" The stranger looked at you one last time before snapping their fingers." You looked at him confused until you started feeling drowsy. You couldn't keep your eyes open and your knees buckled under your weight. "Have fun," he said not sparing you another glance. Passing out for the second time.
No one pov:
"Why is there a little girl on your bed feitan"? The short, black-haired male had been woken up out of his sleep by the sound of his comrade's voice. "What are you talking- who is this?" At the foot of his bed laid you softly snoring with drool hardened on the side of your face.

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