"Where your clothes at?"

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"So you're saying you just so happen to teleport in Feitans room?"

"THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN BELIEVE HER BOSS SHE'S CLEARLY LYING"! Phinks started screaming about how you could secretly be an assassin. "If I was an assassin your ninjaturtle-looking ass wouldn't be alive right now, dumbass" you mumbled thinking no one heard you.

Phinks whipped his head around. "The hell did you just say to me kid!" He started cracking his
Knuckles and walking towards you in a menacing way.

"Phinks, do not touch them." Chrollo had a dangerous look in his eye as if daring Phinks to try and touch you.

Chrollo POV:
Even though I just met them I feel like I knew them forever. Like I could trust them...

Chrollo looked over at the (h/c) haired girl. He could see your hands shaking a little and assumed it was because of Phinks. Thinking that made him upset for some reason. He considered fighting Phinks but that would go against his own rule to not fight comrades. Your eyes were so captivating, like a million stars all in one (e/c) orb. Why have I never seen her before, she seems like someone that I would remember, he thought. He watched as you stared into nothing as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Weird, he thought. "Can I go to the bathroom?" He knew you were asking him, but you didn't make eye contact for some reason. It made him angry.

Your POV:
"Are you talking to me or the wall", Chrollo said with a smirk. You got embarrassed but turned to face him anyway. "I asked if I could you the bathroom". You and Chrollo had a staring contest with you being the loser of course. "You don't need to ask me. Your a big girl right?"

Your eyes widened, and you began to glare at the priest wannabe. "Well, I would have gone if I had known where it was smartass". Slapping your hand over your mouth you quickly regret talking so rudely to a man that could quickly end your life. You heard the pink clown laugh quietly.

"Nobunaga, take the girl to the bathroom", Chrollo waved his hand at Nobunaga and turned around, making his way to his room. From the outside, it looked like he was not interested in you. But on the inside, he had plans to go to his room and look for you on the internet. He was desperate to find more about you.

The walk to the bathroom was quiet and the creek of the old floors made you more anxious. "Here's the bathroom", Nobunaga said pointing to an old wooded door. "The shit is this, I thought y'all were rich," you asked looking at the taller male. He smirked and then burst out laughing. "Boy, I'm not playing". You said rolling your eyes. He started laughing harder, completely ignoring what you just said. "You crack me up, kid."

"I'm bout to crack your ass to, keep laughing", you thought.

After Nobunaga walked away you went into the bathroom. The walls were white and so were the floors it looked clean compared to the rest of the building. You walked up to the Mirror and almost died from shock.

"AHHHHHHHH", you looked at the mirror scared.

"(Y/N), are you okay!" Nobunaga had run back to check on you after hearing you scream.

You stared at your face with confusion. You looked like yourself, but better? You pinched your cheeks and pulled to see if you would wake up. "Damn I'm hot as hell", you looked at your face and admired how smooth and spotless it was. No blemish or acne insight. Your figure had also changed. You were smaller than before and any curves you had in the past were completely gone. "I guess this sexy face comes with a price", you sighed and admired your face again.

"(Y/N) if you don't answer I'm going to burst through the door"

"I'm fine, if you come in here I will kill you". Nobunaga started laughing again and you could hear his footsteps walking away.

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