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"The innate Domain's closed off! The special-grade is dead. Now we just need itadori to return safely..." The ravenette thought. 

Suddenly an immense amount of curse energy appeared behind Megumi, shocking him.

"Sorry, he's not coming back." A curse with pink hair and tattoos all over his body said from behind Megumi. "don't be afraid, I'm in a great mood. Let's chat for a bit." The pink-haired male said walking away.

Sukuna continued to speak to Megumi as if they were long-time friends. "This is what he gets for trying to use me without any kind of pact. Feels like he's having some trouble switching back."The pinkette said.

"Still though.."
Sukuna then rips off his shirt like it's totally normal.
"It's only a matter of time. So I thought about what I can do right now."
The curse raised their hand to their chest. Megumi could tell what they were about to do but was too frozen in fear to move. Sukuna laughed before punching his fist through his chest causing Blood to splatter all over the floor. He laughed again creepily while blood dripped down his mouth and onto his chin.

"Wh-What are you-"
Sukuna pulled out his heart spraying blood everywhere. He had a psychotic smile on his face. "I'm taking this brat hostage. I can live without this, but that is not true for him."
He tossed the heart onto the grass like some garbage. "Switching out with me means he dies. Also....for good measure."
Sukuna pulls out a finger ((((from god knows where. Maybe his ass))))and eats it.
(((Nahh Cuz why did he chew it like it tasted good. It's his own finger he needs to chill with that.)))

"With that, I'm as free as a bird. You can be frightened now. I'll KILL YOU"

Megumi finally moved and got into a fighting position. "You don't get it. Itadori is coming back. Even if he dies, that's just who he is."
Megumi's words made Sukuna smile sarcastically. "You give him too much credit. This guy is just a little tougher than most other humans. Just a moment ago he was scared out his mind, on the verge of death."
Sukuna said wiping blood off his face. "I know for a fact he doesn't have the guts to kill himself." The pinkette said with a smirk.

Megumi did a hand sign and mumbled a few words, spawning a big red bird out of nowhere, both of them running to attack Sukuna.
Sukuna stood still while brushing his hands against his short pink hair. The gaping hole on his chest was still bleeding profusely.
"I'm finally ou-"

Sukuna's words were cut off when a large "object" fell on top of him. Almost breaking his whole neck.

"Owwwww why the hell was I falling from the sky. I guess I got used to being in closets." You said rubbing your butt, still sitting on Sukuna's back. You heard an angry growl rumbling under you and looked down. The person you were sitting on was glaring at you with enough hatred to end a life. " I hate humans.." he whispered before quickly getting up, causing you to fall. You knew who the person was and could even remember what going to happen next in the episode. You had somehow gotten used to traveling universes but how you landed here without even thinking about it really confused you. Did something go wrong? 
"Sukuna..." you said without thinking. Said person looked at you with a cocky smile. "So even peasant humans know who I am". Sukuna said arrogantly.

"Who are you calling peasant! Listen Grandpa I know after all those 100s of years not doing ANYTHING your brain started to rot. But that doesn't give you the right to disrespect me! even the elderly have some sense."
Megumi laughed and tried to hide it by coughing. Sukuna looked very offended and you couldn't help but laugh. "Did I hit a nerve grandpa? I think you should retire from the whole killing Business, clearly old age is getting to you." You said while making "that" face

" You said while making "that" face

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