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"I said I want to see L! What is so hard to understand?!" The (h/c) haired female yelled. She had woken up a few hours ago and was already wreaking havoc in Light's life.
For some unknown reason your determination to see L made him upset, he didn't know why seeing as he just met you last night. "No, it would be too suspicious if I brought some random female to our headquarter." Light said walking to his door.

Lights pov:

Because of this woman I haven't had time to make a plan to kill Misa...
I suddenly felt small hands grip my shoulders and turn me around.

For someone so short I would think she would be weak. My sweatdropped at the thought of her getting angry enough to hit me.

"If you don't take me to my hus- I mean L, I will tell the whole world your Kira!" I laughed loudly and covered my mouth. "As if anyone would believe you, it would look like your crazy. Go right ahead and see if you don't end up in a psychiatric ward". I said while smirking.  This made her upset and I almost started to laugh again when tears formed in her eyes. "P-Please just let me see him once.." she said whipping her face.

Was she that desperate to see L? What could he have that I didn't? I thought getting more frustrated.  I guess I have no choice but to skip class and bring her to L...

"Fine... go put some clothes on. I'll be outside waiting. Your lucky my family is not here to see you coming out of my room or that would be suspicious."
It's already suspicious enough that you came out of my closet. I'm sure that L will be wondering, those damn cameras are always in my way!

Your face instantly brightened. "Thank you so much Light! I knew all those rumors about you being some dirty lying misogynistic pervert was wrong!"


Your POV:
Light is so predictable after you know what type of person he is. All it took was for me to fake a few tears and he caved. Plus I knew L wanted to meet me because of the fact I was in the Lights closet. (If you are confused, L has cameras in the Lights room and watches him 24/7 lol)

"Light, I didn't have any clothes so I just wore yours! I'm sure that's fine, right?" I smiled brightly at him and hugged his arm, purposefully pushing my chest on him.
"It's fine...now get off me!" I giggled at his flustered face and followed behind him.






It didn't take long to reach L's hotel.
Knock knock
An older man with a suit opened the door, you recognized him as Light's dad. They both nodded at each other and Light walked in. The hotel was small surprisingly, Even though you had seen this room in the Anime it looked smaller in person. "Oh your early, and who is this? You know we're not allowed to bring people here under any circumstances? Explain yourself now." Even though he seemed pretty upset his face looked calm. "This is my...." Light started.

"Cousin! I'm his cousin and I happen to have a lot of information regarding the Kira case!" I lied. 

Light's father looked surprised but remained quiet.   

L sat up a little straighter. "Important information huh.. please enlighten me". He turned around and picked up his teacup.
Fuck- Ummm I honestly have nothing what should I do!
I turned to Light and he seemed as nervous as I did.   Damn it! 

"Are you going to say something or are you going to continue to stare at Light?" L said turning to you. His big black eyes seem to stare deep inside you.
"God, your hot..."
I swear my intrusive thoughts are stronger than me!
" umm, what I meant to say is! I believe the second Kira is actually and female and is somewhat infatuated with Kira. I think they have made contact and have come up with a plan to overthrow you." I said breathing out.
"Hmm, and how are you so sure of this?"
I'm not some super-smart nerd like you! All I did was watch anime and eat and sleep! What the helllllll!!!

I  kept a calm outward appearance and said, "from the evidence I was able to gather recently, which I will not share...I can tell that the second Kira greatly admires Kira. Sort of like a person would their crush. So I believe it's safe to assume it's a female." I couldn't say more without making myself look more suspicious than I already was.

L stared at me before smiling slightly. "Mhm Light you sure know how to pick them."
L pressed a button on a remote, playing a video message. A robotic voice came on and said, " I will stop trying to meet Kira, I'd like to thank the police for their advice. However, I'm still going to help Kira erase evil from the world. And I hope that in time he will come to see me as an ally. I will start by punishing criminals that Keira hasn't punished yet. I plan to make the world a better place, by Sharing this power with those who are worthy."
I stared at Light then L. "It seems your friend was spot on Light. But that just takes the suspicion I had on light and put it on you." L spoke without a care and I couldn't help but admire him more even if he was suspecting me of being a mass murderer. 

"Marry me..."
"Nothing, please continue!"

"Light you haven't said much since coming in here, what are your thoughts?"
"...it's unlike Kira to be so careless."
L was loudly eating doughnuts while Light talked, It somehow was hot.
"Can I have one!"
The whole room suddenly went quiet.
Well damn...

I walked up behind L while he and Light were busy talking. Reaching my arm over his chair to grab a doughnut. His hand grabbed my hand pulling me hard. I ended up falling causing all the doughnuts to end up on the floor. L still had his hand holding my wrist, he tightened it. Ouch, that's definitely going to mark.
"Sorry law- ........"

No ones pov:

L eyes snapped towards yours and his grip tighten up hard enough to break your wrist. He pulled you closer to him so his mouth was by your ear. "What was you about to say?" He whispered in your ear. His deep voice sent shivers down your back. You tried to pull back and away from him but he would not budge.
"L what are you doing!" Light ran up behind you. Successfully pulling you away from L.
This seemed to snap L back in reality. "Hn sorry.."
Light was holding you tightly against himself like you were some fragile girl.

" Light was holding you tightly against himself like you were some fragile girl

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(Both his arms are wrapped around you. And yes you were sitting like this. Just in case you were wondering.)

"Ummm, light could you let me go."
He ignored you and instead tighten his arms around you. 
You kept hitting Light on his head and started frailing around. "Pervert let me go!"




You eventually got away and stood beside light acting like you didn't just have a tantrum.
"Ahem, I guess we should continue." L said still a little dazed.

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