Untitled Part 3

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The next day

The kids had all reassembled in the classroom. And while most were eager to begin the final trials, Some weren't so eager.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore Ino. I almost failed both the first and second trials. And I just know, that if I had fought one of the clan kids. I would have failed the second." Sakura complained.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, forehead. You were ahead of the other civilian kids by a lot. I'm sure that if you keep going, you'll get that headband... Sasuke is mine though, so don't go getting any bright ideas!"

*snicker* Ino turned her head saw that it was Naruto that had laughed.

"What's so funny, Baka!" she snarled. Her outburst having drawn Sakura's attention.

'What happened, Ino?" Sakura asked.

"Naruto, over there. Finds what I said about Sasuke being mine funny!"

"Oh, well it's obvious why then, Isn't it?"

"How so?"

"Because Sasuke is mine, Ino-Pig!" The two started to bicker. Completely forgetting about Naruto.

"Why can't the two of them understand that He's not interested in them, Or any of the other girls?... Now that I think about it, I'm the only one he seems to pay attention to... Is he... Is he gay?" Naruto wondered to himself. Glancing to his left he saw Sasuke staring at him. (So was Hinata, but he couldn't see her.)

"That's so creepy... if you have something to say, just say it. And stop staring at me!" *Achoo!*

"Are you okay, Hinata? You're not coming down with something, are you?" Naruto looked at Hinata and asked.

Her face turned scarlet red. In order to hide it, she slammed her face down on the deck and covered her head.

"Whoa! Hinata, Are you okay!?" Naruto hurriedly stood up and walked to where she was sitting. Where he crouched down to her eye level.

"Hey, Hinata-Chan. Are you okay?" He quietly asked. He didn't realize the effects his words had on her.

"He... He called me Chan." She internally celebrated. Her face eventually getting so red so looked like an over-ripe tomato.

Naruto, oblivious to this. Continued to call her name and poke her arm.

"Hinata-Chan, c'mon... Answer me!" He would whine into her ear.

"Eeek! His mouth is right beside my cheek... Will he... Is he going to kiss it?" Yeah.. She was off in her own little world.

The door slid open and a woman with long black hair and red eyes walked in.

"Attention Everyone!" She yelled to get their attention. Which she got after only a few seconds.

"Thank you, now, My name is Kurenai Yuhi. Jonin, and the examiner for your third trial. Please, all of you stand up and follow me. We are heading to the gym."

The class stood up and followed her out the door. (Except Hinata who Naruto thought was unconscious. So he just picked her up and carried her. And let's be Honest, she definitely isn't going to move now.)

Upon reaching the gym and heading inside. They noticed several small, covered rooms, had been built inside."

"Kurenai-Sensei, What're the rooms for?" Sakura asked.

"That will be explained momentarily. We must wait on everyone to arrive."

"Okay, Sensei." Sakura agreed. Then she headed over to where Ino and some of her friends were standing.

One-Punch Ninja! by KenarenWhere stories live. Discover now