Untitled Part 7

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Two weeks had passed since Naruto's first mission. And in that time, Naruto had learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu. (And it's variants.) Yugao even showed him the Shadow Clone's 'Unique' trait.

"So... I learn what they do?" Naruto asked. He and Yugao were standing in an empty training field. She had brought him here after realizing that he had mastered. (Or at least could do it better than most people she had seen.) The Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"Pretty much. When one of your Shadow Clones dispel or are destroyed. (Fat chance of that happening.) Their experience becomes yours."

"Does that mean I can use them to exercise more!?"

"... What?"

"Like, if I create two clones. And they each do ten-thousand push-ups. When they dispel do I get the benefit of twenty-thousand push-ups?"

*Sigh* "Naruto, Answer me honestly. What is your workout regimen?"

"Hmm? Oh! I just do Twenty-thousand push-ups, sit-ups, and Squats a day. Followed by a fifty-mile run. Why?"

Yugao's right eye started to twitch. She knew that she shouldn't have been surprised. No matter what he said.

"But, Twenty-THOUSAND!? It's no wonder he's so strong. Doing that amount of exercise a day. (Along with the Kyuubi healing him at a rapid pace.) His body must have surpassed what could be considered 'Normal' A long time ago."

*Groan* "No... it doesn't work that way. If you were just trying to learn a new exercise, it would. But you wouldn't really get a benefit from it otherwise. The shadow clones don't pass along any Physical training they do."

"Oh... That sucks."

*Sigh* "This workout maniac will be what finally drives me insane... Ten years as an Anbu and this blond brat will be what finally does me in." Yugao thought to herself.

"Naruto, Let's see how many clones you can form at once. Don't worry if it's only a few. Most Jonin can only form three at the most."

"Right" He said with a nod. He crossed his fingers into the right, Hand Seal.

*Shadow Clone Jutsu!*

"Fuck It! I don't care anymore!" Yugao turned and stormed away from where Naruto (And his five-thousand clones.) were standing."

"What's the matter, Yugao Sensei?" They all asked.

"Gah! Don't do that! I'm going to talk to the Hokage. You stay here and work on... Whatever."

"Yes, Yugao-Sensei!"

Hokage Tower

Yugao stormed inside the Hokage Tower. She only stopped at his assistant's desk. To let her know she was going in as a courtesy. Before she kicked open the doors to the Hokage's Office.

"Hokage-Sama! I want to resign as Naruto's Sensei." She yelled. An angry look on her face.

Hiruzen looked up from his paperwork for a moment at her outburst. Before simply going back to work.

"I won't stop you if you want to resign, Yugao. Kami knows I need all the loyal Anbu I can get. But I thought you liked working with Naruto?"

Hiruzen signed the paper he had been reading. Before setting it aside, picking up his pipe, And giving Yugao his full attention.

Yugao's look of anger had slowly drained from her face after arriving in the Office. And now all that remained of it was a slight glare.

"I... I do like working with him. Despite his eccentricities. Naruto is a good kid." she admitted. Even her glare dissipating until all that remained was a look of exhaustion.

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