Untitled Part 4

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Naruto had been heading home after his trip to Ichiraku's with Hinata and Shino. When he remembered that he hadn't yet done his daily exercise. So instead of heading home, he went to his workout spot. That being the top of the Hokage mountain. (Except for running. For that he just did laps around the village.)

After arriving at his destination he began his several hour long workout. That he would be doing until late into the night...

Just after midnight

Naruto was just finishing up his seventh set of push-ups when he heard the alarm go off.

*Alarm Blaring*

"Hmm? What's that?" He wondered. After standing up and brushing his hands off, He walked to the edge of the fourth Hokage's head to look down at the village.

"Did something happen? I better go find Jiji." He thought before he slightly bent his knees and jumped high into the sky, his destination was the roof of the Hokage tower.

With Hiruzen and the Ninja

"Attention Everyone!" A nameless Jonin yelled.

"We have been informed that Naruto Uzumaki has stolen the Scroll of Seals! As such, Everyone is to split up, Find him, and return the Scroll!" He continued.

"Do not attack him. If you find him, tell him to come see me. Is that clear!?" Hiruzen said.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama!" The gathered Ninja yell. Though the majority of the Leaf's ninja were currently out on missions or were working in other parts of the village. One-Hundred Ninja answered the Hokage's summons at this late hour.

Among them were Iruka and Mizuki.

"I don't understand why he would do this, Mizuki. According to the Jonin, Naruto passed all of the trials by such a margin that they believed he should just be made a Chunin at the very least. So why would he ruin his chances at this point?" Iruka asked.

"Maybe it's just in his nature, Iruka. You know what he is. Maybe that thing affects him more than he led us to believe. How else do you explain that freakish strength of his?" Mizuki asked, His pride as a shinobi had been torn apart after his treatment at the hands of the blond.

"He worked harder than anyone. That's where his strength comes from and Not that Thing!" Iruka yelled at his friend.

"All I'm saying, Iruka. Is that, maybe he isn't who you thought he was."

"Naruto may be a lot of things... He's hyperactive, Stubborn, A menace to our peaceful days... But, he's no liar. I believe that if he did take the scroll, he had a reason for it."

"As do I, Iruka"

"Hokage-Sama!" Iruka and Mizuki greeted Hiruzen who had overheard Iruka's speech and decided to come over.

"How can you be so certain, Hokage-Sama?" Mizuki asked.

"... I've known that child since he was born. And in all that time, I've never known him to have malicious intent towards the village or its inhabitants. Despite their intent towards him, he has always had one objective in mind."

"What's that, Hokage-Sama?" Mizuki asked.

Hiruzen had a small smile flit across his face for a moment, before a look of neutrality replaced it.

"He desires to protect the people he cares about. That strength he possesses was gained solely for the sake of his 'precious people'."

"He also doesn't want to be forgotten again..." He added in his mind.

One-Punch Ninja! by KenarenWhere stories live. Discover now