Untitled Part 15

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"Hello Hiruzen, How are you on this fine day!?" A, the fourth Raikage asked as he stepped inside the Kage box. He was the first of the expected three Kage, to arrive.

"Hmm? Oh Hello A, I'm doing well, and yourself?" Hiruzen motioned for A to sit in the chair next to him.

"I'm doing fine, now that I have some Sake to wet my throat." A lifted his jug of Sake into the air.

"Cheers!" He drank deeply from the Jug.

Chuckle* "Enjoying the festivities, are we?"

"What? I never get to relax back in Kumo. It's always work, work, punch my brother, and work some more."

"Ah... I know what you mean. It's the same here."

Sigh* "When I took over from my father. I would never have thought, that I would spend the majority of my days filling out paperwork."

Laugh* "Yes, the bane of all Kage, Paperwork."

"If I knew we would be discussing paperwork, I would've stayed home." Onoki floated into the Kage box.

"Onoki, how's the back?" Hiruzen greeted his old enemy.

Groan* "Better than I expected, after such a journey. And to think, you didn't even send an escort to pick me up!"

"Oh ho! Are you so old you need to be walked everywhere, Onoki?"

Onoki's face turned red and he glared at Hiruzen.

"You would know, wouldn't you, Hiruzen? How's the retirement home treating you?" Onoki asked with a smile.

It was Hiruzen's turn to glare.

"Just fine, actually. How's your arthritis, does it still hurt to walk?"

"Only during the winter. Do you still have those Kidney stones?"

During this exchange, the Kazekage arrived and saw the two.

sigh* "Great, now I have to listen to them try and one up each other."

*Chuckle* "Hello, Rasa. How've you been?"

Rasa noticed A was drinking out of a large Sake jug.

"Mind if I take a swig? I've only been here for five minutes and they're giving me a headache."

A looked at his Jug, then at Rasa. He narrowed his eyes for a second before finally smiling.

"Of course! Darui, bring the Kazekage a glass!" A yelled. Rasa took that time to sit down in the chair beside, A.

They talked for a few minutes but were interrupted when Darui entered the Kage box.

"Your glass, Raikage-Sama." Darui handed A, a small Sake glass, which was then passed to Rasa. Rasa narrowed his eyes at the glass but accepted it nonetheless.

"My thanks, A." A poured Sake into Rasa's glass and the two drank in silence.

Gekko Hayate walked inside the Kage box then and interrupted Hiruzen and Onoki.

*Cough* "Hokage-Sama, it's time."

The four Kage looked at Hayate and while three of them accepted the arrival of the Ninja without issue. One of them, couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, Baki assured me, he was dead... Did Baki lie to me?"

The Kage looked at Hiruzen suspiciously but didn't draw attention to himself.

"Ah! Of course, Hayate. Thank you." Hayate bowed his head to Hiruzen, then left.

Hiruzen stood up from his chair and turned to the gathered Kage.

One-Punch Ninja! by KenarenWhere stories live. Discover now