Untitled Part 2

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Naruto arrived at the Academy building early this morning wearing his bright orange and blue jumpsuit. He wanted to get a seat close to the front. (The exams went by row from the closest to the farthest. So he wanted to be one of the first to go for his exam.) He was confident that he could pass. And although he still had trouble with the clone Jutsu the other parts of his exam he knew he would do well on.

Unless he accidentally cuts down a tree or two during the Kunai and Shuriken exam. (The instructors yelled at him last time he did that.) Like it was his fault the trees around the academy were so easy to cut down... with a blunt Kunai.

Okay, so maybe he did need to learn to control his strength. But the wall they also went through definitely wasn't his fault. Those bricks obviously weren't up to code, or something. No way that Shuriken would have gone through it so easy otherwise.

Although... Seeing Sasuke without the duck butt hairstyle was quite a novelty. (He was walking to the bathroom that was on the other side of the wall.) The girls *cough*Fangirls*cough* loved it.

Anyway, Naruto was making his way to the classroom when he heard yelling.

"But Hokage-Sama, Surely you can't be serious about this!" He heard Iruka yell. So he slowly crept his way up to the wall and pressed his ear against the door.

"Indeed I am, Iruka. I feel it is time for a change in how we do things." He heard Sarutobi (His Jiji!) reply to Iruka.

"But... but... These Trials are ridiculous! We haven't covered any of this material and this will cause most, if not all of the civilian students to fail." Iruka said.

"And why is that, Iruka? Are you saying that your students are ill prepared for what they will face in the real world?" Hiruzen calmly asked.

"Well no, but... They... uh... *sigh* I understand Hokage-Sama. We'll go and get the trials set-up." Iruka bowed to the Hokage. Then he made his way to the door, his Co-sensei Mizuki following behind.

Naruto heard them approaching and disappeared from his spot by the door, right as they opened it. The two of them made their way down the hallway before turning the corner and disappearing from sight.

"Whew, that was close." Naruto said as he reappeared, Having jumped up and grabbed hold of the ceiling tile with his fingertips.(more like through the ceiling tiles.) In order to not be seen.

"I see, I was correct in my assumption that you would find a way to eavesdrop, Naruto." Hiruzen said from the other side of the door.

"HeHe, I never could hide from you Jiji." He said while rubbing the back of his head. A nervous tick he had developed when he was younger.

Sarutobi smiled. "You're getting there, Naruto. I just have a few more decades experience than you."

"More like Centuries... *pop* OW! Jiji that hurt!" Naruto complained while rubbing his forehead. (Sarutobi hit him with his pipe.)

"Don't lie, Naruto. You didn't feel that at all, did you?" he asked. He knew the truth of the matter as he watched Naruto any chance he had. And he saw just how strong the blond really was.

"You got me Jiji, Hehe."

"So, how many reps are you up to now?"

"Ten-thousand reps a piece and a Fifty-mile sprint around the village."

The sheer amount surprised Hiruzen. He knew the blond to be exercising a lot. But he had no idea just how high the number actually was.

"Don't you think that's a bit...High?"

"No? I don't even get sore with that number anymore. I'm thinking about doubling it soon." Was Naruto's reply

"I see..." Hiruzen just shook his head.

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