Untitled Part 6

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While Naruto was out enjoying himself at Ichiraku's. The Jonin were talking while waiting for their students to wake up.

"I never would have thought a Genin could be so strong." Kurenai admitted from where she was sitting on the ground.

"Neither would I. Can you even compare him to a Genin at this point?" Yugao asked.

"You two know as well as I, That rank doesn't equate strength." (Asuma)

"He's right." Kakashi said with his head in a book.

"Naruto's flames of youth burn incredibly bright for one his age!" (Gai)

*Groan* "Wha... What happened?" (Rock Lee)

"Yosh! My student awoke before yours Kakashi, This is my Win!"


"Gah! Curse you Kakashi!" He yelled then stood up and walked over to Lee.

"Hello, my most youthful apprentice! How are you feeling?"

"Like I was hit repeatedly by you, Gai-Sensei."

*Laughs* "Yes, you took quite a hit. Can you stand?" Lee quickly jumps up and stomped his feet.

"Yosh! Of course, Gai-Sensei! A little pain won't keep me down."

*Chuckle* "That's my apprentice! Come, have a seat while we wait for the others to wake up from their naps." Lee and Gai walked over to where the other Jonin were sitting, and sat down.

One by one the other students woke up, were checked on by their respective sensei's, and were told to take a seat to wait on the others, quietly. They were told not to ask questions until everyone was awake. The last to wake up was Sasuke.

"Hnn" Sasuke grunted as he lifted himself up."

"Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura and Ino yelled then they ran to him

"Are you alright?!" "He didn't hurt you too badly, did he!?" The two worried over him while he was attempting to walk over to the group. (Sasuke ignored them.)

After reaching the group, he dropped tiredly onto his butt.

"What happened?" he asked.

"What happened? Simple, You lost, again." (Kakashi)

"How?" (Sasuke)

"Well, let's start at the beginning. But first, who can tell me what you all did wrong?" (Asuma)

The students looked at each other. None of them came up with anything though.

*Sigh* "We were divided instead of working together. And we tried to fight him fairly even though we knew he was much stronger than us.." (Shikamaru)

"Ding Ding, Tell the man what he's won. Iruka was right, you are smarter than you look." (Kakashi)

Shikamaru grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like "Fuck you". The Jonin ignored it though.

"We told you he was coming at you in five minutes, yet you didn't prepare. Sure you came up with a plan on How to prepare, But coming up with a plan and executing it are two very different things. You should have been executing your plan as you thought it up. Not waiting for the five minutes to be up, then executing it." (Asuma)

"You told us not to begin until after the five-minute countdown was over, though?" (Ino)

"Wrong, I said 'he will be coming in five minutes'. I didn't say you had to wait that long to attack him." (Kakashi)

"Isn't that cheating?" (Sakura)

"You're Ninja now. And an honorable Ninja doesn't live a very long life. You have to attack when presented with the opportunity. And try not to give your enemy the same opportunity. That is how you win a battle." (Asuma)

One-Punch Ninja! by KenarenWhere stories live. Discover now