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During the late 1930's and early 1940's Death and his grims were extremely busy. Both the muggle world and the wizarding world were at war, the muggles, were dealing with World War Two and the wizarding world was dealing with Grindelwald. People were dying left and right, it's not Deaths fault he didn't notice a young wizard creating horcruxes until it was to late. If you asked Death if he remember the exact moment he discovered that a teen boy had cheated him out, he would recall the exact moments in detail.

The year was 1972, and Death was once again busy because of the Vietnam War. Well, Death himself wasn't busy he usually let the grims take care of the human realm business. So, at that moment Dee was reading a book, when he suddenly got alerted the there was a sudden rise of deaths in wizarding Britain. Odd, Death thought to himself. But, Dee being the person he is, ignored it assuming it was just a natural disaster or something. Not even 10 minutes after returning to his book, does he realize it was probably not a natural disaster, because a very beautiful women, was standing at his door. He knew this women to be Time, or Tay.

"Shit." Death mumbled while closing his book, and slowly sitting it on the side table.

Time opened the door with a small smile, "Dee how have you been?"

"Wonderful. Just wonderful. Until you showed up! What are you doing here Tay?"

Time ignoring his question, and walks over to his desk and sit on in, "I see you weren't fazed by the sudden rise in deaths in wizarding Britain?"

"I figure it was an earthquake or something." Dee said while waving his hand in disinterest.

Tay gave Death a look of disbelief, "Britain doesn't get earthquakes of that magnitude Dee, especially, the wizarding world that has wards to protect them."

Death continues to look around not meeting Times eyes, "well then it was a bloody tornado, I don't know! Now answer my question Tay, why are you here?"

Abruptly, Tay started to giggle, but soon it progressed into a full blown laugh startling Dee, "What? Why are you laughing?"

Tay still laughing said, "Someone che- cheated you out."

This caused Death to stand up with furrowed eyebrows, "what?"

Time, after finally calming down, said again, "someone has cheated you out."

"I got that! I want to know how!" Dee was starting to get angry he hates it when people find a way to escape him.

"Horcruxes." Tay put it simply a smile still present on her face.

"Are you serious?" Dee questioned with a look of disbelief.

"Yes. Horcruxes, a form of magic you and lady magic created together, for fun, might I remind you." Tay said while shooting Dee a look.

"Well I never expected anyone to actually use the bloody spell. I mean you have to perform cannibalism." Dee said, a look of disgust taking over his features.

"Why did you guys make cannibalism part of the spell?" Tay asked in confusion.

"So no one would actually perform it, guess it didn't detour this person's interest in making one." Death said.

"Yes this person, his name is Tom Riddle. He created his first horcrux at sixteen, while he was attending Hogwarts, as a slytherin, and since then he has made five other horcruxes. This file has everything you need to know about him." She stated while sitting down a menial folder beside her.

"Who need six bloody horcruxes?"Death said with a look of concern, but it soon turned into a smile, looking at Tay he said, "He truly must be terrified of me." 

Time sent Death a look that said are you serious, "He's scared of the thought of you! Not you!"

"Same difference." Dee stated, as he sat down in a chair in front of Tay.

"Anyway, the boy has become a problem that needs to be dealt with. He is killing people who aren't meant to die yet and it's affecting the timeline. Not to mention, I've been looking into the future and if Tom doesn't die before 1979 he will begin affecting the muggle world as well." Tay explained as she slipped off the desk.

"Hmm." Dee hummed with a smirk.

"I know that look Dee, this isn't a game, the boy isn't a toy you can play around with." Tay said sternly pointing a finger at Deaths face.

Dee swatted her finger away saying, "Come on Tay, you know I'm going to have a little fun with him, I mean I am his biggest fear."

"Just please make sure he is dead before 1979, or else it becomes my problem and I hate cleaning up the timeline." Tay said while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Oh don't worry, he'll be dead long before 1979." Dee said with a malicious smile.

"Perfect!" Tay clapped her hand to together while walking towards the door, turning around she asked, "You're sending Samara right?"

"Of course, I wouldn't send anyone else on such a time crunching task." Death said while sending Tay a wink.

"Good." Time said before she left.

Death couldn't help but smile, looking at himself in the mirror while fixing his tie he said aloud,

"Finally some fun."

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