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THE GRIM REAPER, the collector of souls, the figure in a black cloak, a big black menacing dog. In most societies wizarding and non- wizarding the grim reaper means death. In the wizarding world if you see a big black dog with yellow eyes it means your death is right around the corner. And in the muggle world if you see a skeletal man in a long black cloak holding a scythe, that also means death is upon you.

But these are the only two large associations with the grim, a black dog and a skeleton in a cape. What people have yet to realize is the grim can come in many different forms... it could be the stray cat you feed every night because you feel bad that it doesn't have a family. Or it could even be the child lost on the street that you helped get back to their parents. Grim Reapers could be anything.

It was one of their many abilities, being able to shift into any living creature. It was very useful, when they were in the human world and didn't want to be noticed, because their natural form was very eye catching. Grims natural form, was very human like, a very beautiful and ethereal human. But, the eye catching part was a their eyes, they were pits of black.

The reason behind grim reapers eyes was due to how they were created. When Death and all the other gods and goddesses were made, at the beginning of time, Death realized he could not collect all the souls of the recently departed on his own. There were simply far to many, so not even a year after the beginning of time Death called upon the other gods and goddesses to help him. Lady magic and God of the Underworld, Lucifer, were the only ones who agreed to help. After much discussion, Lucifer offered Death to use malevolent spirits from the underworld. Death, was hesitant at first knowing that spirits, or demons as everyone else knew them to be, could be unpredictable and chaotic. But, after Lady Magic offered to bless these spirits with knowledge of the human world and the in-between— which was where the gods and goddesses lived— Death agreed. It started with one spirit from the underworld, to see if it could actually work. And it did. When he first saw the demon he thought she was human, until she turned around and had  nothing but black for eyes.

When Death questioned Lady magic and Lucifer about why their eyes weren't normal. Lucifer simply answered by saying, "the eyes are windows to the soul, and your Grims aren't human Death. They are spirits. Created from dark magic, for that matter. So, when you look into a grims eyes you won't see their soul, you will see a spirit because Grim Reapers are demons, Death and you must remember that." After that Lucifer disappeared, probably back to hell, Death thought.

Death looked at Lady Magic who was on the verge of saying something else, "Spirits have many abilities Death, especially, dark spirits. So, you won't have to worry about them being weak. Plus, you can bless them with the ability to shadow travel, so they can get from the human realm, to the in-between." Death looked at her bewildered.

"Well how do I bless them?" He questioned.

"That's something you'll have to figure out on your own." She said with a smirk before disappearing.

Death let out a huff, before turning around and approaching the room, which the grim was waiting in. When he opened the door he saw her sitting in a chair playing with a pen. Looking up she sent him a mischievous smile. Death would never admit it, but the smile she sent him made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"So what's your name." He asked while slowly approaching her.

Suddenly, she stood up, startling Death in the process. Then, she stuck out a hand with— what looked— to be a genuine smile.

"Samara. Samara Verity."

And thus Death had his first Grim Reaper.

Authors Note

IF THERE ARE ANY PLOT HOLES THROUGHOUT THIS STORY IGNORE THEM! Please, I probably know they are there and I just don't know how to fix them! :)

KARMA- t.m.rWhere stories live. Discover now